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Different Ways to Create Intimacy in Your Relationship

September 12, 2024
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What is Intimacy? When we hear or think about the word intimacy, we are often met with the idea of sex. While this can be true, intimacy is very multi-dimensional and can mean many different things. Intimacy is defined by the American Psychological Association as “an interpersonal state of extreme emotional closeness such that each party’s personal space can be entered by any of the other parties without causing discomfort to that person…and requires the parties to…

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My Ex: Why Do I Still Think About Them?

August 6, 2024
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I think one of the most painful parts of being a human is experiencing heartbreak. Grieving the living is complicated and emotional, and when you break up with a partner; you are often breaking up with a life you had planned as well. It is incredibly normal to have your ex on your mind after breaking up. This person took up a lot of space in your life and without them; your mind doesn’t always know what…

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10 reasons why your partner should be your friend too

August 15, 2014
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You have probably watched a movie where the main romantic protagonists declare that they could “never be just friends: because their romantic feelings are simply too strong. However, what is rarely touched on in the cinematic world of ‘happily ever after’ is that while lovers may not want to be friends, friendship is a vital part of any loving relationship. Drama can be drab A solid relationship base of friendship may not seem as dynamic as the…

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Building Empathy in Your Romantic Relationship

January 28, 2014

Most of us understand that empathy, or the ability to connect with someone through feeling with them, is an important part of a good romantic relationship. Even though we know this, time and time again we all fall short when it comes to being empathic with our partner. We get critical when we should be nonjudgmental or take something personally when we should simply be open and accepting. We turn away from our partner’s emotion rather than…

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8 Signs That You Might Be Sabotaging Your New Relationship

December 23, 2013

Dating is not always easy, and a new relationship can be both intoxicating and challenging. You and your new partner are constantly revealing aspects of who you are to one another as you get to know each other. Although this newness is thrilling, this exchange can touch some of our most vulnerable parts – and being vulnerable can put us in a difficult position. We can choose to either revel in this emotional and psychological risk taking,…

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