Yes! You have completed and achieved your goals in therapy. Congratulations on this big milestone in your personal life that should be celebrated! Whether you have been in therapy for a month or a year, you now feel at peace that your goals in therapy are being implemented effectively outside your sessions. What now? This means it’s time to talk to your counselor and express to them you feel it may be time for termination. The termination…
Read MoreA friend once told me, “I feel like I need couples therapy… but with my roommate.” Although she initially meant it as a joke, my friend felt she was no longer on the same page with how her home should operate, and what she began to describe was her growing resentment for her roommate. She was not sure how to approach her feelings without causing a conflict. I began to recognize these thoughts and feelings are comparable…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling When you really think about it, you spend most of your days at work. You are there at least 8 hours per day, five days per week, for most of your adult life. With work being so present in our lives, it becomes clear how much workplace negativity affects our moods on a daily basis. You may notice when you disagree with another colleague, got poor feedback at your review,…
Read MoreWe are constantly being bombarded with messages about love and relationships in our culture. Whether it’s on TV, the radio, a magazine, or social media, we are always hearing about dating, relationships, and marriage and what is “normal” and “healthy”. It can be difficult to weed through what is not only helpful, but also what is appropriate and relevant for our own lives and relationships. Some input may be helpful for one couple but can be extremely…
Read MoreDoes your partner limit the people you can contact? Do they monitor your whereabouts, phone calls, texts, emails, or social media activity and become angry when you veer from their guidelines? Of the various forms of abuse that can take place within a relationship, emotional abuse can often be one of the most difficult to identify due to its often insidious onset and lack of physical injuries. It is not uncommon for a victim and their loved…
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if you are an introvert or an extrovert? If your significant other is an introvert or an extrovert? The extrovert/introvert scale is actually a spectrum as some people are a blend of both. One way to find out where you might fall on the spectrum is by taking the Myers Briggs Personality Test. So, you take the test and realize that you and your partner are not the same type. Does it matter…
Read MoreIn this video blog, Shannon Duffy talks about the basic modules of dialectical behavioral therapy. Follow along for our video series in which our team of experienced therapists in Chicago explains different therapeutic concepts that you may find helpful. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to connect with one of our counselors and we would be happy to help! Dialectical behavioral therapy, or DBT, originated in the 80s as a…
Read MoreGoing through a breakup with your significant other is not the easiest life transition. It can be very challenging, sad, stressful, confusing, complicated, and anxiety provoking. Whether you are the one who initiated the breakup or the one who was doing the breaking up, it can be a hard mixture of emotions to navigate. While a feeling of heartbreak is a normal response while going through a breakup, it is also an opportunity for some self-reflection. The…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Trust, the feeling of safety within your relationship, is one of the most crucial components to a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, trust can easily be broken. Whether you were unfaithful, lied, or crossed a boundary in your romantic relationship, the trust your partner once had for you has been altered. Breaking the trust in your relationship leaves your partner feeling betrayed, insecure, hurt, and angry. While you may want everything to…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Many of us have experienced breakups and know they can be messy and ugly. Often we are left with unanswered questions, resentment, anger, and fears that seem to stick with us for longer than we would like them to. So what do you do when you need closure and are not able to receive it from your ex? There are several ways to obtain the closure you deserve on your…
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