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Are you consistently on your phone, iPad, or laptop? Do you have push notifications on for each application on your phone? If you do, you are definitely not alone. While I was on vacation overseas this month, I recognized that I was consistently checking to see if I had Wi-Fi to check work emails, or to see if I had any notifications on social media. I recognized what I was doing and asked myself, why am I…
Read MoreI work with many clients who are unhappy at their job. Whether they are unhappy due to the work they’re doing, the environment they work in, their coworkers, or maybe for some, all three of those things at once. As their clinical therapist, I help the clients both understand reasons why they are unhappy at their job and then also possible coping strategies for managing this unhappiness feeling at work. I recently read an article from The…
Read MoreParenting is one of the most complex journeys that an individual can experience in their lifetime. As people begin their parenting journey, they likely have ideas and hopes for what their children will be like and how they will fit into the world. If you are a parent, you can maybe remember a time when you envisioned a certain parenthood experience that you thought you wanted, for yourself and for your child(ren). If you’ve had some experience…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Deadines, travel, long hours, conflicts with colleagues, changing company culture, and challenging clients: the workplace is often one of the most stressful environments. Practicing self-care at work can help to improve your mood and increase and/or sustain your productivity and job satisfaction. Here are 6 methods to try in order to practice self-care in your workplace: Socialize We are social creatures and a simple one-minute interaction can positively change chemicals in our brains.…
Read MoreStress is an outside of factor of our lives that tend t take over who we are, even if we do not want it to. We tend to not achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves due to being stressed out at work or in our own personal lives. Understanding how stress impacts you is important and being able to cope and manage it is very important. In this blog, I will identify ways for…
Read MoreSocial media is a prevalent platform that many, if not most, people in our society participate in. Whether you use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, or a combination of them, you know how easy it is to get caught up in the medias and the interactions that you have on them. Social media is perceived to be an outlet that allows us to stay connected with our friends and peers, as an easy tool that allows us…
Read MoreSteven Topper, LCPC On any given day we’ll be asked one question that, for the most part, afford only three acceptable answers. When I get asked, “How are you?” I know that I can say: I’m great; I’m good; or I’m alright (though for that last one, make sure there’s a bit of cheer and smile in my voice!). It’s all well meaning, people don’t want to bother others, often we’re only being asked because the asker…
Read MoreI work with many clients who are frustrated with a lack of fulfillment in their life, whether it is in their personal or professional life. For some clients, they are hoping to find clarity of what their passions are, and then to implement them in their personal, professional, or for some lucky people, like myself, they are able to implement them in both. As a clinical therapist, I have always been passionate about connecting to people and…
Read MoreHow did you develop the way that you think about the world around you? Did you learn it from your parents, from school, or from your job? I recently read an article titled “The 2 Mental Shifts Highly Successful People Make” by Benjamin P. Hardy. Hardy discusses two major changes in thinking people make that ultimately lead to a higher likelihood of success. To begin this process, we must unlearn the way we think about the world…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor Anger is an emotion that we have all felt at some point in our lives. While we have all experienced it, many don’t realize anger is considered a secondary emotion. A secondary emotion is defined as an emotional reaction we have to a primary emotion such as sadness, hurt, rejection, trapped, humiliation, etc. When we react with anger it feels automatic and sometimes uncontrollable, but we do it to protect ourselves from…
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