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postpartum depression


10 Ways to Overcome Missing Out

May 16, 2019
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There are often times when our friends are hanging out and we have to say no, but we are watching where they are checking in on Facebook, what stories they are putting on Instagram, or what snaps they are taking on SnapChat. We tend to feel sad and mad that we have to work or do something else and cannot be with them. In modern terms, it is called “fear of missing out” also known as FOMO.…

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Reducing Social Media Use

May 14, 2019
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There’s no doubt that social media has been one of the most life-changing technological innovations that we’ve ever had access to — it enables us to feel connected to people all over the world. However, social media is not just a magical online space in which people enjoy greater access to their loved ones far away. Social media has also brought with it upticks in anxiety, depression, and self-esteem issues; young people, who are developmentally primed to…

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Brain Games: Learn Fun Ways to Manage Worrying

May 2, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Worrying is anything but fun. Persistent, constant, and uncontrollable worries can cause severe anxiety. Moreover, intense worries such as those that we experience when we’re exposed to something we fear can be debilitating. If your worrying is causing you anxiety, you can implement simple cognitive methods, such as brain games, to manage it. Brain games do more than simply distract you from worrying; they also help you to refocus your thinking. It takes…

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The Definitive Guide to Understanding Procrastination

April 30, 2019
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The New York Times recently spoke to a number of psychologists about procrastination. Summarized below are their findings. Procrastination: we’re all familiar with it, but we do we understand it? Most people think of procrastination as a failure in time management skills; some even equate it with laziness. The reality is that procrastination is misunderstood, as it is neither of those things, and can ultimately be conquered after getting in touch with your emotions. What does procrastination…

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Solution-Focused Therapy

April 26, 2019

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Reaching out for therapeutic services can feel overwhelming and at times individuals will feel as though their presenting concerns are not severe enough for long term therapy. However, that is not necessarily the case and even the more situational concerns are appropriate for therapeutic services. Specifically, those concerns would be utilizing the therapeutic technique of Solution Focused Therapy. This method can be of benefit by utilizing 3-6 therapy sessions to address finding…

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On Attempting to Answer the Questions of Purpose

April 22, 2019
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Steven Topper At some point in our lives, the questions we ask about the world grow in magnitude. When we are little ones, we love to ask big questions about what we’re all doing here. However, as we grow up, this curiosity often vanishes. For many of us, as children we find order and structure in school, and direction through getting into college and/or looking for work. Then we find direction in seeking connection with others and…

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5 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Child

April 20, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR “In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play” -Friedrich Nietzsche Do you remember the child that you used to be? I hope that you do. But if you don’t, that kid hasn’t left you. Your inner child lives inside you and needs to be acknowledged and nourished. Some people have a strong connection to their inner child, while others might feel more distant from them. Some adults might believe…

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The Dangers of Always Wanting More Self-Improvements

April 14, 2019
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I work with many clients who are truly struggling in their life, whether it is in their professional or personal life, or perhaps both at the same time. These clients many times are experiencing depression and/or anxiety. They likely are seeking therapy to find a way to cope with these many life stressors. My job as their clinical therapist is to help them understand why these aspects in their life are causing stress, anxiety, or depression and…

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Injecting the Wonder of Childhood into Adult Life

April 12, 2019
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How often have you heard an adult say, “I wish I could be a kid again?” Most kids don’t have a true understanding of the responsibilities of adulthood, so many adults look back on their childhood with a desire to gain some of the wonder, freedom, lightness, and playfulness they experienced as kids. We are especially prone to thinking this way when we are feeling bogged down by the drudgeries of everyday life, attempting to juggle work,…

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Why People have Negative Thinking Patterns and the Secret Tool to Stop it

April 6, 2019
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I work with many clients who struggle with anxiety and/or depression for a variety of reasons, whether they are struggling in their personal or professional life, or maybe a significant life transition. I have come to notice that many clients who struggle with their anxiety and/or depression have a tendency to have negative thoughts which increases their anxiety/depression. As their clinical therapist, I certainly help them discover reasons and triggers for their negative thinking patterns, and then…

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