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postpartum depression


Becoming Positive: 8 Tools for Building Happiness

July 18, 2019

Life is not always easy. When we experience struggles and suffering, our psyche feels it too. Adverse events take a toll on our mental health and challenge our ability to cope; our inability to cope can get us stuck in a cycle of pessimism and constant stress. We will all experience darker, gloomier days throughout our lifetime. One of the most challenging things about being stuck under a “rainy cloud” for a period of time is figuring…

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Satisfaction v. Perfection

July 17, 2019
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From a very young age, children are taught to strive to be the best. Not the best versions of themselves but the best. Period. As they get older, teachers, parents, and society puts immense pressure on individuals to get straight As, excel at standardized testing, participate in extra-curricular activities, volunteer, and then, just maybe you’ll get into a good college. Once in college the pressure starts again. Get straight As, find great summer internships, participate in a…

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Tone of Voice

July 12, 2019
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Rick Hanson, Ph.D, discusses the importance tone of voice has on effective communication in an article on Psychology Today. Understanding the impact our personal emotions can have on how we communicate and the tone of voice we use is vital to engaging in pleasant and constructive conversations with people. Individuals are incredibly sensitive to other’s tone of voice more so than the words being said. Imagine speaking to your dog asking them if they want a treat…

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What is Prenatal Depression?

July 12, 2019
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Depression. Most people, if not all people, have heard of depression and understand it to a certain degree and are talking about it more openly, which is wonderful. But how many people are taking the time to talk about prenatal depression? I work with many clients who experience depression whether it be related to their personal or professional life, but it appears to be less common for clients to talk about prenatal depression, maybe simply because there…

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Diffusers and Salt Lamps…. Helpful or a Scam?

July 10, 2019
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In today’s world we seem to be constantly flooded with influencers and celebrities trying to sell us “the next big thing”. Whether it be for weight loss, health, shopping, or eating well, it seems everyone has an opinion on the next thing you should buy to change your life. Two items I frequently see in regards to an individual’s mental health are Himalayan salt lamps and essential oil diffusers. People have said their anxiety is completely gone,…

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Benefits of a Morning Routine

July 8, 2019
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Throughout my life I’ve never considered myself much of a morning person or really a night owl either. I’d wake up in time to roll out of bed, brush my teeth, get dressed and go. If I remembered I’d grab a protein bar on the way out the door and eat quickly on the way to school or work. Every day I’d plan on coming home from work, working out, and cooking a nice dinner. Without fail,…

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Advice: A Helpful Life Tool

July 6, 2019
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Life is one big learning curve. As we go through the trials and tribulations of life, we hopefully come out at the end a bit stronger, wiser, and more compassionate (towards ourselves and others). There is no right or wrong way to live your life (besides perhaps following basic human rights principles such as being respectful to others and doing no harm). We may often feel the societal pressures of needing to do things a certain way,…

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Painting Something New in Life – Developing a Beginner’s Mind Perspective in Life

July 4, 2019
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Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck? Or feeling like you can repeat the same day over and over again? If you’ve ever seen the movie “Groundhog Day” (Ramis and Albert, 1993), you can relate to the idea of feeling like you’re going through the same motions over and over again or repeating the same day over and over again. This can be a normal human feeling at times – to feel stuck in the same routine…

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Finding a Therapist

June 30, 2019
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Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Making the decision to find a therapist can be intimidating and at times overwhelming. The decision alone to start talk therapy is a major step and finding the best therapist for yourself should not have to be complex. It is however essential to take the time to find a competent therapist by utilizing a few identifying factors that will aid in this selection process. The first step is to start inquiring or…

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Understanding Deaf Culture

June 26, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR 1 out of every 1,000 people in the United States becomes deaf before age 18. In addition, a larger number of people report developing hearing loss that impacts their daily lives. Yet, Deaf culture is a concept that many hearing people have not encountered or do not understand. Here are some concepts to consider on your journey to understanding Deaf culture: The Meaning of Terms It’s important to know the correct meanings of…

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