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online mental health counseling


What Does It Mean To Be Happy?

January 20, 2021
What Does It Mean To Be Happy

Kaitlin Broderick LCPC  Happiness isn’t something that is easy to define. People often ask themselves, how can I be happier or how can I get more joy out of everyday life?  Why aren’t I as happy as this person seems to be? Happiness is a subjective state of well-being, and what makes one person happy won’t necessarily make a different person happy. It is an emotional state that varies widely from day to day or even hour…

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Understanding How Attachment Affects Our Relationships

January 19, 2021
Understanding How Attachment Affects Our Relationships

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW Warning: we will be discussing some lite psychological theory, something that can be considered by those who are not psychology-nerds, boring. Hopefully, you find that an interesting prospect, but even if you don’t, I assure you that we are really talking about why you have the relationships you have, and hopefully that is more interesting to you. Attachment theory which originated with John Bowlby in the 1960s refers to the ways in which our…

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Tips for Building Habits that Last

January 18, 2021
Tips for Building Habits that Last

Jessica Pontis, LCSW Building and maintaining healthy habits is hard enough, add the stress of what our community is currently facing and establishing rituals that feel right seems almost impossible.  However, now more than ever we need to have routine and healthy habits that ground us in the here and now.  Here are a few simple ways to get started in building a healthy habit that will last far longer than this pandemic.   Start Small Beginning to…

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What Are You Doing Right Now to Manage Stress?

January 17, 2021
What Are You Doing Right Now to Manage Stress

By Eric Dean JD MBA MA MA LPC CADC Distress is inevitable, so we need to find ways to manage it. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) gives us the acronym ACCEPTS to manage stress in healthy ways and use it to our advantage: Activities Participating in hobbies that you enjoy can help combat distress. Oftentimes, when we are overwhelmed, we become uninterested in activities we typically enjoy. In these situations, it is key to not wait until you…

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Reclaiming the Term “Self-Care” and Discovering What It Means to You

January 16, 2021
Reclaiming the Term Self Care and Discovering What It Means to You

In our society, the term “self-care” has become a phrase loosely thrown around by many who may not actually know what self-care truly encompasses. In a previous blog post titled, “What’s the Deal with Self-Care?” I discussed the 4 different types of self-care: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. After gaining a better understanding of the different ways self-care can show up in our daily lives, we can then begin defining what self-care means to us and how…

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How Can I Control My Anger?

January 3, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC I want to premise this article by stating that anger is not necessarily a “bad” emotion. No emotions are inherently “bad.” We all get angry at times! We’re human. Anger is there for a reason. However, some people are more prone to rage more often than others. And sometimes we need a bit of help in handling it. One of the issues that can come with the emotion of anger is that we…

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What Do We Do When We Are Wronged? How Anger Can Ignite Us

December 31, 2020

Steven Topper LCPC In a world more and more derided and vitriolic, it can be important to reflect on and assess how this impacts us interpersonally. For many of us, the combination of pandemic changes and social disorder has led to increased anger and frustration, often without somewhere to direct this anger. For so many people, anger hasn’t been an issue until recently, when so many aspects of our lives have been taken from our control. Yet…

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Present Over Perfect, Part II: How Do I Re-Make My Life?

December 23, 2020

Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC You may have read part one to this blog series, which was titled “Present Over Perfect, Part I: How Is Therapy Similar to Vinegar?” which discussed the similarities between therapy and vinegar, and the many benefits the therapeutic relationship can bring to someone’s life. This blog continues to share some of Shauna Niequist’s ideas and concepts from her book, Present Over Perfect that are worth living by.  Stillness As we rush through…

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Can Stress Be Good for Me?

December 18, 2020

I work with many clients who struggle with stress and anxiety. Many times, clients are looking for ways to better manage their stress. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) there is a difference between stress and anxiety. Both are emotional responses. Stress is typically caused by a trigger and has a short-term affect; whereas anxiety is persistent worry that doesn’t go away even with the lack of stressor. Either way, stress and anxiety are both challenging…

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Am I Burned Out From Work Due to Working From Home?

December 17, 2020
Symmetry Counseling Recent News Image 2

I work with many clients who are truly starting to struggle with their work transition of working from home 100% of the time due to the current global pandemic. Some clients of mine were working remotely prior the pandemic, and they too are struggling due to most of their shared office spaces/coffee shops are currently closed. One of my jobs as their clinician is to help the client understand some warning signs that they could be burning…

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