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Understanding Informed Optimism

March 22, 2022
Ft Informed Optimism

Informed Optimism: What Is It and How Can It Be Used to Cultivate a More Well-Rounded Mindset?  Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Do you ever find yourself thinking that the worst will happen? You are not the only one. As a matter of fact, many people often jump to conclusions and create their own version of reality, all as a result of fear. When your head is overrun with negative thoughts and pessimism, you start to doubt yourself and your…

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How to Draw Boundaries With Family Members

March 21, 2022

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  You may find that your peace, time, efficiency, and privacy get compromised because you are unable to draw boundaries with your family members. It is indeed a difficult task to say “enough” to a family member, especially if they are toxic, but you need to do so. As a child, there are certain rules you must follow, but as you turn into an adult you need to learn to draw the line to…

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Helpful Resources for New Mothers

March 20, 2022
Ft New Mothers

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Being a first-time mom comes with its own set of challenges, as you are exposed to various new experiences, from breastfeeding to soothing a crying baby. You’ve already conquered one difficult task by giving birth to your child, and now the second – the overwhelming chore of parenting your child – is causing you anxiety. You probably assumed that everything would be okay after your child was born. Still, as you begin your…

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What Is a Quarter-Life Crisis and Is It Real?

March 19, 2022

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  Lately, it would seem that older generations are under the assumption that younger people, specifically of the millennial generation, are easygoing if not irresponsible, with no stressors to be had. But this is an over-generalization and by no means the reality. Although younger generations typically enjoy the benefits of good health, they are also prone to chronic stress brought on by long hours and low wages, crippling student loans, and a newer generation of…

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Grief: Why We Cannot Simply “Get Over It”

March 18, 2022
Ft grief

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  “Get over it.” These words are not only insensitive, but they are also extremely misguided. In today’s society, grief is treated in a rather cold manner, as if it is something that can be processed and healed within a week’s time and we can then return to life as usual. This may be due in large part to the improper understanding of the process of grief and how it truly feels.   Grief…

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New Year, New Lease: How to Deal With Moving Stress

March 17, 2022

By: Zana Van Der Smissen Whether you are moving out of a rental, buying your first home, or moving into college dorms, moving stress is very real. It can be exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and can overall end up being a negative experience for most. However, I am here to say that you can find ways to cope with that stress and even find this new chapter exciting! So first let’s talk about what moving stress might look like.…

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New Year’s Resolutions: Helpful or Harmful to your Mental Health?

March 16, 2022
Ft Resolutions 2

Natalia DeSouza, LPC For some people, the period between December and January is accompanied by reflections on what areas of their lives could benefit from changes. This is usually followed by the setting of goals meant to improve their quality of life and self-view. Common goals and resolutions for the new year include losing weight, perfecting a skill or a hobby, performing “better” at work, becoming more motivated, quitting smoking/drinking…the list goes on.  Although it is extremely…

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How Can I Manage Social Anxiety?

March 15, 2022

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC Social anxiety is something that many people often suffer with in silence. It’s much more than just feeling shy or being hesitant to speak up in large groups. It’s something that can really impede on your everyday life. Brotheridge (2020) offers ways to develop new habits to help ease and overcome social anxiety. Challenge your negative and anxious thoughts. When feeling anxious, it can often feel like there is nothing you can do…

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How Can I Utilize Color for My Mental Health?

March 14, 2022
Ft Color

Jessica Pontis, LCSW How many times have you walked into Target with the intention of getting toothpaste and dish soap, and walked out with three new shirts, four mugs, and a handful of random household trinkets that you don’t even know where to put?  I know I sure have, all while forgetting the toothpaste.  Industrial and organizational psychology is a powerful thing, and whoever was responsible for organizing the consumer experience of some of our favorite stores…

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How to Feel Like Yourself Again in the New Year

March 13, 2022

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC It’s that time again when we reflect on the past year and set intentions for the upcoming year. For many that still imposes a few challenges with the unknowns of the pandemic. Even though we are back to doing things pre-pandemic, there is still a cloud of uncertainty that looms around us. When clients reflect on the past year many discuss the parts of themselves that they changed, or the activities they…

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