online counseling
Amanda Gregory, LCPC You have to get good sleep. If not, you’re risking your physical and emotional health. But, what if you simply cannot fall asleep in the first place. Perhaps you’ve tried new methods to improve your sleep. Yet, you may need to focus on cutting out certain aspects that could be hindering her ability to fall asleep. If you’re having trouble falling asleep consider avoiding these behaviors: Raising Your Body Temperature. Your body temperature naturally…
Read MoreAs discussed in part 1 of this blog post understanding the relationship between our stress levels and texting can allow us to provide ourselves with grace. Instead of throwing our phones across the room when we receive a text, take a pause acknowledge the validity of our feelings. The more we understand our emotional responses the more understanding we are of ourselves. More information being the growing struggle of social overload is discussed below. Conditioned Anxiety Prior…
Read MoreAs we deal with the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19, social distancing and isolation remain ways to ensure the safety of ourselves and loved ones. Because of this reality, texting, group chats, phone calls and facetimes have become our only connection to friends, family and loved ones. So, if our phones are a way to seek support, comfort and connection, why do many of us want to throw our phones when we receive a text? Can texting increase…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC Stress definitely has a bad reputation, and for good reasons. When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, not many people are wishing for “more stress” in the year to come. And there is science to back this up, as stress is often linked with negative health and well-being outcomes. However, Stanford psychologist Alia Crum and her colleagues write about how “the truth of stress is not so grim” (Pogosyan,…
Read MoreJessica Pontis, LCSW As we move from winter into spring, we experience change, almost as if the sunlight and blossoms inspire an emotional renaissance. With this change in season let us take the time to do some spring cleaning, to look at ourselves and our relationships and determine what patterns we would like to change. An honest examination of our own relationships requires mindful purpose and meaningful action, as well as a gentleness that comes with…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC Every now and then, everyone will have a “bad day”. We may cry, feel depressed, overwhelmed and tired. We also will have other days where we are energetic, full of life and happy. A certain population, however, experiences unusual mood disorders which amplify more common mood swings. In fact, this population often battles chronic depression interchanged with extreme mania – severely enough to cause significant damage to relationships, careers and personal stability. What…
Read MoreIn part one of this blog post, we began to discuss the importance of routines and the likelihood that individuals will begin to reimplement structures that worked for them prior to the pandemic. However, now that we’ve had the time to step away from these routines, we have the ability to make some changes and shift them so we’re able to gain the best potential benefits. While feeling the desire to boost productivity and implement more of…
Read MoreI’m sure I’m not alone in consistently hearing about the importance of a morning routine. Apparently, a good morning routine can change your life. Sounds pretty nice, huh? Routines in general have seemingly gone out the window during the pandemic and for good reason. However, as we approach what will eventually be our new normal, it’s expected people will start to implement old routines and patterns they partook in prior to the pandemic. While feeling the desire…
Read MoreBy: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Ever wondered why your grandma tells the same stories over and over again or has difficulty troubleshooting or adapting to new ways? No, it’s not just because she is old and stubborn – there is a cognitive concept behind this. When it comes to intelligence, you may think of the accumulation of facts, but it also encompasses the ability to learn new things. Therapists have different definitions that we use to…
Read MoreEmily Ehrens, LMSW, CADC What is Technology Addiction? Parents often ask the question: “Why won’t my child abstain from staring at their screen?” The truth of the matter is that parents fall guilty to the same standard. Technology addiction includes social networking, surfing the internet, video games, live streaming, and television watching. Just like any addiction, the goal in treating the emotional, psychological and physiological pain is to create a healthy relationship with the defense. As internet…
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