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Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand: What Matters in Life?

July 30, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC You’re probably wondering how on earth rocks, pebbles and sand have anything to do with what matters in life. It turns out that these elements and what they represent are relevant to mental health, too. Go figure! This lesson by a professor might surprise you and make you healthily reflect upon your own life.  A philosophy professor stood before his class and picked up a large, empty mayonnaise jar which he…

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Mental Health Awareness Month: How Can I Celebrate?

July 29, 2021
Mental Health Awareness Month How Can I Celebrate

By: Bridgette W. Gottwad, LPC, NCC  Since 1949, May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S. Throughout life, mental health can vary based upon our circumstances and the state of the world. Amidst 2020 and 2021, mental health in general as society has taken a general decline. It is beneficial to observe mental health awareness month to reduce the stigma that surrounds psychological illness. Additionally, it can be beneficial in bringing the community…

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Languishing: Have You Been Feeling Blah?

July 28, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Have you ever heard of languishing? Perhaps it’s the dominant emotion of 2021 and you’re not alone in what you are feeling – according to the New York Times, “we all have a lot of symptoms in common right now.” Have you had trouble focusing or noticed that there have been things you aren’t looking forward to in 2021, even though vaccines have been attainable and on the horizon? What is…

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Is Your Grandparent Depressed? Part II

July 27, 2021
Is Your Grandparent Depressed Part 2

Megan Mulroy, LPC            In the first part of this series, I discussed ways in which you can identify and help seniors who may be struggling with a mental health issue. In Part II, I want to discuss how you can support yourself as well as your older loved one while taking care of them. For the purpose of this blog, I’ll assume that there is a parent or grandparent/child dynamic taking place. As parents and grandparents…

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Is Your Grandparent Depressed? Part I

July 26, 2021

By Megan Mulroy, LPC            While destigmatizing mental health has a long way to go, there have been many improvements in recent years. Most of my millennial and gen z friends have therapists and talk openly about their mental health, but I can’t say the same for my grandparents’ generation. Seniors are such an asset to our society! They have years of knowledge and wisdom and are unburdened by the social media façade that plagues many of…

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I Have A New Mental Health Diagnosis, Now What?

July 25, 2021
I Have A New Mental Health Diagnosis Now What

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW             The topic of diagnostics is a whole world unto itself in mental health. There is so much to unpack in this incredibly complex area. We will dig into the many different pieces of information that are important to consider as well as how best to manage your feelings about this impactful situation.            The first thing I discuss when giving a new diagnosis is that it is important to consider how important this…

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How To Recognize If You Are In An Abusive Relationship

July 24, 2021

By: Olimpia Wesley While most relationships begin with the parties demonstrating their best behavior and viewing each other with rose-colored glasses, some relationships may progress into abusive patterns with time. Abuse is a dynamic concept that could be physical, emotional, sexual, and/or financial, and are forms all harmful to the victim. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline (2021), relationship abuse is a pattern of behavioral conduct by a partner to maintain unfair control and dominance over…

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How to Prepare For the Return to The Office After COVID-19

July 23, 2021
How to Prepare For the Return to The Office After COVID 19

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC  “We all are in this together”. A very popular and true sentiment which can adequately express the fact that not one person in the world wasn’t affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many individuals lost wages and loved ones, battled extreme anxiety and depression, and even cared for the sick. Thankfully, we can safely say that things look like they are returning to a more normal state. Vaccines have been rolled out, mask mandates…

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How to Get Through a Break-Up

July 22, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  Growing up, many little girls and little boys fantasize and dream of “the one. They may envision exciting and adventurous dates, romantic moments, an extravagant wedding and the “house full of 3 children along with a picket fence.” Up until teenage years, the hope of this dreams seems so real and imminent. Until that painful event happens: your first break-up. Suddenly, all those dreams no longer seem realistic, but rather a million miles…

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How Do You Parent a Child with ADHD When You Have ADHD?

July 21, 2021
How Do You Parent a Child with ADHD When You Have ADHD

By Devyn C. Longstreet, LPC  It’s not unlikely that an ADHD diagnosis can be generational and shared between adult and child. According to the Neuropsychiatric Disease Treatment Center, Attention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms are multifactorial and influenced by environment and genetics. (Tartakovsky, 2016). As one would imagine, parenting can become pretty tricky in these types of situations. So what can be done to make things less challenging?  Here are 7 tips on ways that can help maintain…

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