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mental health


April Showers Bring May Flowers… And New Opportunities

May 20, 2018
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Many of us grew up hearing the phrase, “April showers bring May flowers,” regarding the weather being gloomy and rainy in April with the hope that it will bring flowers in May. While this phrase pertains to the weather, it can also pertain to your life, particularly your professional life. Most people go through an adjustment period at some point in their life such as resigning from a toxic job environment or getting fired or laid off…

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Meet Our Therapists — Amanda Gregory

May 17, 2018

At Symmetry Counseling, we are proud of our staff of highly trained and experienced licensed mental health professionals. In the above video, meet Amanda Gregory, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor here at Symmetry Counseling. What made you decide to be a therapist? You know, I started in this field kind of unexpectedly. I started as a photojournalist and all of the assignments I loved always had something to do with people. I loved one-on-one portraits, and I…

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Memorial Day: Celebrating the Lives of the Loved Ones We’ve Lost

May 17, 2018
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Memorial Day is just around the corner. While many of us may think of it as a three day holiday weekend, others may consider it to be a tough day if they have lost someone who was a soldier. Memorial Day might also be a trigger for people who have lost individuals in their lives that may not have been a soldier, but were simply just a close friend or family member. Everyone goes through different stages…

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Traveling Together

May 14, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling As the saying goes, “If you want to learn if you are compatible with someone, travel together.” Traveling with your significant other is an opportunity to discover/rediscover aspects of their personality that you wouldn’t otherwise see. Being under the stress of buying plane tickets, finding places to stay, experiencing delayed or canceled flights, and being together 24/7 can display character traits that you have never imagined. You may experience a…

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10 Logistical Questions You Should Ask When You’re Choosing a Therapist

May 8, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LPCP, EMDR Practitioner It’s important to find a therapist who’s a good match for your personality and needs. The first step in this process is figuring out the logistics: who, what, when, where, how much. This essential information can often be found on agency websites or other online sources, but if you’re unable to find answers to certain questions, you’ll need to ask potential therapists directly. Here are 10 questions you should ask prospective therapists:…

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Graduation Season: Celebrating Success & Dealing with “What’s Next”

May 7, 2018
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May brings the beginning of the graduation season: graduating from undergrad, graduate school, or obtaining new licenses or certifications. Even if you didn’t just complete your last semester in an academic program, maybe you completed a goal or graduated from a big milestone in your life, which also is a big success! Congrats! However, with all of the new possibilities that graduation brings, many new graduates also feel anxious as to what is next in their life.…

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What’s EMDR Therapy Really Like?

May 5, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner EMDR—Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing—is a type of treatment which is gaining popularity among therapists and clients. EMDR uses eye movements or other types of bilateral stimulation to help the client to process distressing memories and beliefs. EDMR is best known as a method to treat trauma, but it can also be effective to address any past or recent events which cause current distress. Have you ever wondered what EMDR is like…

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How to Break a Bad Habit

May 2, 2018

Old habits die hard, but when it comes to bad ones, die they must. Bad habits suck your time and energy. They make it impossible to achieve your goals and they are mentally and physically toxic. When you’re trying to move away from certain behaviors, there are ways to set yourself up for success. Identify Your Reason Habits are hard to break, so you need something to motivate you to break one. Before you take action, think…

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5 Tips For The First Date

April 26, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling The first date is an experience that can bring up a mixed bag of emotions. Many people feel a range of emotions including insecurities, nervousness, excitement, anxiety, and even fear. You are not only worrying about making a good first impression, but also have the task of determining if the person sitting across the table is a good match for you. The amount of pressures and anxieties that come along…

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Are Negative Core Beliefs Shaping Your Choices?

April 23, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner I’m not good enough. I’m unlovable. I’m worthless. No one wants to believe these things. But they are common core beliefs. Dr. Greensberger and Dr. Padesky state that “core beliefs are absolute statements about ourselves, others or the world.” Core beliefs, they say, are “the deepest level of cognition.” In short, core beliefs are powerful. They dictate our emotions and actions, often without our awareness. These beliefs are created in childhood and…

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