mental health
Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Are you more compassionate to your friends than you are to yourself? Many of us are. Imagine a conversation that you might have with a friend in which they come to you and say, “I should be doing more. I’ve gotten little accomplished at work this past month. What’s wrong with me?” You reply, “From what you’ve told me, you’re doing the best you can. You have a lot going on right now…
Read MoreHave you heard messages from your friends such as, “So, have you met anyone yet?” or “How is your dating life?” Have family functions become constant family members asking, “When are you going to get married? I want grandchildren!” As a therapist, I have heard several clients share that they have received these messages while they have been single. Additionally, I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Mastering the Art of Being Single”…
Read MoreOften times we just feel stuck. It seems as if everything that we have tried is impossible to get out of this rut and we cannot feel any better. We have tried coping skills that we know and that others have encouraged us to use, we have tried to ignore it, we have tried to focus on it, and nothing seems to work. We often times feel stuck when we have a big decision to make and…
Read MoreIf you have read my previous blogs, I have talked a lot about the LGBTQ+ community and gaining a better understanding of what the letters mean and how you can support a loved one who might be “coming out”. In addition to that, you might not know anyone who is Queer or you might just want to learn more about how to support them more. You have come to the right place! In this blog, I am…
Read MoreSexual Transmitted Diseases, also known as STDs, are more common that one would think. Educating not only yourself, but also your partner about STDs is very important and making sure that both of you are being tested frequently if you have multiple partners, especially in open relationships, polyamorous relationships, LGTBQ individuals. I would know if my partner had an STD You might think you know your partner(s) well, but unfortunately you cannot tell just by looking at…
Read MoreKaitlin Broderick, LCPC Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America, affecting more than 40 million adults every year (Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 2018). Anxiety can permeate relationships, jobs, and lessen quality of life. For many, anxiety comes in the form of fear of losing someone or something they love, rumination and shame from the past, or obsessive thoughts that something that may happen in the future that they cannot handle. Anxiety also…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor Spring is here and that means longer days, warmer weather, and a fresh start. It can be a great time to reflect on how your year has gone so far and consider areas for growth. Maybe it’s exercise, healthy eating, your social life, or your relationship, but it is also important to consider adding more positivity to your life. Seeing the positive side to life lifts your mood, the mood of those…
Read MoreWhere does the time go? Modern life is speeding up, asking us to do more and more with our 24 hours. It seems like the more we get done, the more is asked from us. And this leads many of us to feeling tired, anxious, and burnt out. Not to mention, our relaxation times can be inundated with distractions as well. Waking up in the middle of the night to your phone lighting up, getting phone calls…
Read MoreCommunication with individuals that are in a higher power position than us can be intimidating. In the working world, you often find power dynamics at almost any business or workplace. Employees function under superiors — these individuals can be identified as managers, supervisors, owners of the company/business, and even larger systems such as ethics or regulation boards. If you are an employee that functions under a superior, how do you view your relationship and interactions with them?…
Read MoreHave you ever experienced regret? That feeling that you wish you made a different decision, or wondering what life would be like if you chose the other option. As a therapist, I often see clients who have experienced these feelings of regret, and as a human, I have made choices that I have later regretted. While many people are able to recall a time in which they experienced regret, often times, we do not make the most…
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