mental health
Andrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC Late one restless night in March 2018, I made the decision to finally get out of credit card debt, which I eventually accomplished in one year. This two-part blog is meant to inspire, not to gloat. I recognize I am lucky to have had the opportunity to do this for myself, and I accomplished it with some rational and practical approaches to overcome urges to engage in catastrophic thinking as well as not…
Read MoreIn Part 1 of this blog, a brief background understanding was explored of the issue of student loan stress as well as ways to emotionally handle and keep perspective about the issue rather than getting overwhelmed. This second part will look at practical ways about how to the manage student loans. Of course everyone’s financial situation is different, depending on the amount of total student loan balance they have, if their parents assisted, if they are paying…
Read MoreThe emotional stress of mounting student loans has become a rising issue in the last decade. According to recent studies, one in 15 students has considered suicide as a result of these mounting student loans. This is a range between 3-10 percent of borrowers who has contemplated suicide. There are 2.8 million people who owe $495 billion of student loan debt according to the Department of Education data (Tanze, 2019). This can leave a person wondering if…
Read MoreDo you find it hard to speak up for yourself or advocating for yourself for important matters? Do you find it difficult to speak up for yourself when you have an opinion or want to change something that’s important to you but feel “stuck” inside yourself? Do you wish so badly that you could just get the words out, or have the confidence to speak up for yourself in a way that’s important to you? Speaking up…
Read MoreCoursera is a great online tool for learning; it offers up a world of learning to people who cannot afford a college education, and it provides ongoing learning opportunities for people who do have college degrees but want to expand their range of personal and professional interests. The information found below is compiled from Yale University’s The Science of Well-Being course, taught by Dr. Laurie Santos, and gives you a taste of the great information found on…
Read MoreCoursera is a great online tool for learning; it offers up a world of learning to people who cannot afford a college education, and it provides ongoing learning opportunities for people who do have college degrees but want to expand their range of personal and professional interests. The information found below is compiled from Yale University’s The Science of Well-Being course, taught by Dr. Laurie Santos, and gives you a taste of the great information found on…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback, LCSW When therapists are meeting with a client for the first time one of the questions we ask, in some form, is what the client feels they need to work on, what brought them in. It is intended to provoke a few things, ultimately, therapists look at everything as information and without judgement. So, I am listening for information that tells me where the client is focused, but also how they think about their life…
Read MoreIf you just had a baby, or you are planning to have a baby, it is important to understand the signs of postpartum depression and the baby blues. Keep an eye out for feeling: Sad, hopeless or empty Crying more than usual with no reason Overly anxious Angry Doubt in your ability to care for your baby Thoughts about harming yourself or your baby Having a baby is SO stressful. Not only are you sleep-deprived, but you…
Read MoreDanielle Bertini Grief can be a tricky subject to deal with, especially when you are on the other end of it. There can be many intense and painful emotions attached to grief, such as depression, anger, guilt, and deep sadness, and it can be difficult to know what to say or do. You may be afraid of intruding, saying the wrong thing, or making your loved one feel worse at such a difficult time. Or maybe you…
Read MoreYou have likely heard of the terms “introvert” and “extrovert”, and you may even identify with one of those personality traits. The concepts of introvert versus extrovert are widely used amongst people to categorize and understand their personality and the behaviors that come with it. An introvert is understood to be someone who is more shy and prefers to keep to themselves; introverts tend to be over-stimulated in social situations and like more quiet or alone time.…
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