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The Benefits of Anger

February 10, 2020
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Do you feel comfortable feeling and expressing your anger? You might not be, as anger has a bad reputation. We tend to label anger as a negative emotion and at times we even judge those who express anger. Have you heard or used these phrases when someone is expressing anger? They have an anger management problem. They are crazy. What’s wrong with them? This bias and judgment against anger can make it difficult…

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Manage Your Anxiety by Grounding to Your Environment 

February 6, 2020
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Imagine that you are walking to a location that you’ve been to many times. When you arrive at your destination you don’t remember the process of walking there. You were on autopilot, a common occurrence of mindlessness. However, these states of mindlessness make it easy for anxiety to seep in and overwhelm you. The same goes for states in which you are hyper-focused on anxiety provoking thoughts or actions. Your brain cannot…

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Feeling Consistently Overwhelmed in Today’s High Stress World

February 2, 2020
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Unfortunately, in today’s world it seems we’ve come to accept feeling constantly stressed while moving at an extremely fast pace. It comes as no surprise that people are feeling overwhelmed and unhappy as our brains try to make sense of an ever-changing world. If we continue to increase our workloads the common response is to wake up earlier and stay later in order to complete the necessary tasks. However, wouldn’t it be more effective to re-evaluate and…

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When Life Gives You Boulders, Make Landmarks

January 29, 2020
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Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Mental health is an integral part of an individual leading a happy and fulfilling life. With World Mental Health Day being in October, this is the perfect time to raise awareness and think about mental and physical wellness. In this day and age, we are always paying attention to and worried about losing weight, being fit, getting toned…but what about mental and emotional fitness? When you work out, your body reaps positive…

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Working Through Anger and Resentment

January 26, 2020
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Danielle Bertini, LPC Anger and resentment can often be like on overstuffed suitcase that weighs you down and demands large amounts of energy and attention. When looking at the topics of anger and resentment, it is first important to discuss what the differences are between these two words. Anger is a normal, natural emotion. In fact, in many situations, it’s a healthy and appropriate emotional reaction. Anger takes place in the present, when life isn’t going the…

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Radical Acceptance: What Is It and How Does It Help? (Part 2)

January 25, 2020
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If you read my last blog post referencing the Psychology Today article, “Radical Acceptance” by author Karyn Hall, Ph.D., you may be wondering what exactly does radical acceptance even look like and how to practice it? Below are the remaining key points from Dr. Hall’s article.  What does acceptance look like? Instead of saying ruminating things like, “this isn’t my fault. This isn’t fair. I can’t believe this happened to me” we can shift our mindset to…

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January 20, 2020
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Ghosting is easy. Think about it. The fast-paced online dating scene allows individuals to swipe past profiles very quickly; it is easy to talk to more than one person at a time, keep multiple relationships going, and ghost when the interest is no longer there. Online dating provides individuals with hundreds of different prospective partners that can be assessed and swiped right/left constantly. With the idea that there are better options out there, I can see how…

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Vulnerabilities: Bringing People Together or Pulling Them Apart?

January 19, 2020
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With the influx of social media applications and Facebook usage, we have gained access to other’s lives and opinions. At least the things they want us to know and see. While things may look great on social media we never really know what’s going on in people’s personal lives or insecurities they might be having. To prevent the building pressure present in today’s society from being increasingly detrimental, it’s vital we support each other and respects each…

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How to Manage Conflict with Your Parents (or as A Parent)

January 18, 2020
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We all have been in the position as a child and your parents just do not understand you. No matter how open and honest you are trying to be, they just have a hard time understanding who you are and what you want. How do you manage being able to get heard and being able to manage conflict that might arise. Continue reading to gain some tips to better manage conflict with your parents or even as…

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What’s Your Narrative?

January 13, 2020
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Matthew Cuddeback, LCSW Often times we experience something, think something, or identify with something and then take it and incorporate it into our story. The most obvious examples of this are when we were young and we heard a certain kind of music and suddenly decided that was a defining aspect of our character, we listened to Nirvana for the first time and went and cut holes in our jeans, stopped washing our hair, and got super…

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