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marriage counseling


What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can We Increase It?

November 22, 2020
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Emotional intelligence has become a term loosely thrown around in various situations. Whether it’s utilized to praise someone or put someone down it seems evaluating someone’s emotional intelligence has become as commonplace as recognizing an individual’s intellect. Although the terminology has become more commonplace, do we know what we’re actually saying when we refer to emotional intelligence? “Emotional intelligence, also known as EQ, deals with people’s ability to recognize the presence of a negative or ‘hot’ emotional…

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What Can I Expect From My First Therapy Session?

November 21, 2020
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Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC  There are many different reasons why people seek out therapy. Maybe there are things going on in your life right now that are causing you to feel anxious and stressed, or maybe there are some hurts from your past that you haven’t healed from yet. Some people come to therapy hoping to learn more about themselves, while others see it as a way to work on a relationship that is struggling. Whatever the…

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Tips for New College Students Leaving Home

November 20, 2020

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC Life transitions can be difficult, and the transition from high school to college is no different. Moving out of your home, sharing a small living space with strangers, and adjusting to new class schedules are among some of the many changes and challenges that come with this transition. All while trying to discover who you are as a person and picking a major/life path for yourself. College can be difficult, but luckily there…

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How Can I Build Deeper Intimacy with My Partner?

November 19, 2020
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Steven Losardo, AMFT This blog will highlight some ways for a couple to create intimacy. Additionally, the blog will review how a couple can intentionally create rituals to continue these. The practice gives the couple a meaningful way to connect and something that you can look forward to (Gottman, 2017). Finally,  rituals help the couple keep on track with the new behaviors and not revert to old patterns. The “royal road” to intimacy is emotional availability and…

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Relationships: Is Our Conflict Healthy?

November 18, 2020

Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC Having conflicts is a normal part of being in a relationship. Healthy conflict with your partner can lead to better communication and a stronger relationship as both parties are able to talk about what’s important to them. But having healthy conflict is difficult, and most of us engage in behaviors that can be damaging to our relationship. Below are some ways to learn more about the kind of conflict you’re engaging in.  Healthy…

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Why Is Negative Thinking Detrimental and How Do I Combat It? Part II

November 17, 2020

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC You may have read part one to this blog series, which began discussing the detrimental nature of negative thinking and offering interventions and suggestions for getting out of the unhealthy spiral. Below are some continued things that you can do to work against this corrupt thought process.  Release Judgment  All human beings have the tendency to judge others, as well as themselves – and this usually happens unconsciously. When we are…

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6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Gap Year from School

November 15, 2020

I have worked with many clients who are new graduates from high school and college. Many times, they speak to me about their many concerns, stressors, and anxiety about the many questions centering around, “what am I going to do next in my life?” This recent spring, due to the pandemic, that question has become even harder to answer for my college aged clients. Many are considering taking a gap year either in between their school years…

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How Can I Reset My Anxiety?

November 14, 2020

I work with many clients who are struggling with anxiety, whether it is related to the current pandemic, their jobs, parenting, relationships with others, or just general life stressors. My job as their therapist is to help the client understand what is contributing to their anxiety, and then possible coping mechanisms to help manage their anxiety.  I recently read an article from The New York Times that touched on this very topic about how to better manage…

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How Can I Improve My Emotional Intelligence?

November 13, 2020

Most times when people think of intelligence, they think of intelligence based on their IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Something that is just important, if not more important in my opinion as a therapist, is emotional intelligence. It can be a hard subject to understand and also challenging to increase emotional intelligence. I recently read an article from Fast Company that touched on this very topic, “5 Simple ways to boost your emotional intelligence everyday” by author Harvey Deutschendorf. …

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How Can You Identify a Safe Person?

November 12, 2020

Steven Losardo, AMFT Maybe more so than ever, we need safety in our lives, and that includes secure individuals. These people have attributes that include being easy to get close and dependability. Safe people are comfortable depending on others and do not worry about abandonment or someone getting too close to them (Johnson, 2013).  How do we know we have these kind-hearted people in our lives? This blog will review the characteristics of a safe person to…

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