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marriage and family therapist


The Importance of Having Storytime with Your Infant

March 1, 2020
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There is extensive research out there stating the benefits and importance of reading to and with your young children. Now, research is even indicating the impact of reading to your infants, way before they can see, hear, or comprehend images and words. We know how beneficial it is to read with our kids, but now we need to understand the benefits our reading to infants and the profound positive impact it has on their development. Reading to…

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How to Manage Conflict with Your Parents (or as A Parent)

January 18, 2020
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We all have been in the position as a child and your parents just do not understand you. No matter how open and honest you are trying to be, they just have a hard time understanding who you are and what you want. How do you manage being able to get heard and being able to manage conflict that might arise. Continue reading to gain some tips to better manage conflict with your parents or even as…

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The Impact of Parental Conflict: Tips for Managing & Decreasing It

January 1, 2020
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Parental conflict in the home can be very taxing on children. For any child that has two parents/caregivers in the home, their only wish is that they get along and that there be no arguing or conflict between them. Of course, being a parent while also sustaining a partnership is no easy feat. It’s normal to become overwhelmed in life and have relational issues with your partner while managing a household and kids. If you have children…

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The Money Messages You Send to Your Children

December 29, 2019
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I remember being a child and constantly hearing my parents talk about saving money. When I reached first grade and we learned how to count a dollar with quarters, I remember thinking that I wanted to save my quarters rather than buying gumballs like my friends. I say this to highlight the point that young children are learning/hearing messages about money every day whether that is intentional parenting or not. So think, what money messages do you…

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The Truth About Millennials Having Kids Later in Life

December 16, 2019
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Danielle Bertini Millennials have been a hot button topic recently. Comparisons of the “older” generation versus the “younger” generation have been rampant in all aspects of life. It’s no secret that older generations reached family-planning milestones much earlier than Millennials. Getting married and having babies in one’s twenties was once the norm, and now that is no longer the case. Research has found that between 2007 and 2012, birth rates among women in their twenties declined more…

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How Play Helps Your Child

December 10, 2019
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As a parent, are you ever amazed at your child’s art of playing? Are you intrigued at watching their creative play? As a parent of a one-year-old child, I am often curious and fascinated about how she knows how to play. Children do not need to be taught how to play but rather seem to possess a natural-born intuition about how to play. They seem to know how to even lead their own play and possess awareness…

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Holding Healthy Boundaries with Family

December 3, 2019
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Hannah Hopper Many of my clients come into counseling frustrated with family relationships and feeling that they were pushed into agreeing to too much, feeling like they could not ask for what they needed, being unable to say “no” to certain requests from family members, or having trouble staying calm and in control of their emotions when family starts to get under their skin. Whether it is the family you grew up with or your extended family…

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Parenting Strategies to Set Your Child Up for Success

October 2, 2019
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Throughout our upbringing and early adulthood two of our main goals are for happiness and success. These words can mean different things to various individuals and one person’s version of success may not be another’s but overall, these are the two things most individuals work towards throughout their lives. Despite this being a priority for many years, there comes a time in individual’s life where their goals shift. This is typically when a man or woman decide…

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Reframing “Others Had it Worse” With Childhood Abuse

October 1, 2019
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Childhood is a critical time for becoming who we are, and our lives are undefined potential. Our dependence on others and need for nurturing are pivotal; the way in which we experience this support in childhood determines our ability to ask for help later. Sometimes our caregivers and communities are very good to us when we’re young, and other times we are not so lucky. When someone is abused it can cast a shadow through the rest…

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A Parent’s Guide to Sibling Battles

September 29, 2019
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Danielle Bertini Parents are often seeking ways to make sibling conflict stop, and understandably so. Unfortunately, this is generally unrealistic as sibling conflict is normal and to be expected. Home is a safe testing ground for social dynamics, and it can take skill and patience for siblings to learn to play together, especially when they are difference ages. Psychotherapist Heather Turgeon writes about the importance of being a Sportscaster rather than a Referee when it comes to…

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