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Dating While Evaluating?

March 30, 2019
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Steven Losardo In a recent blog, I reviewed how research continues to confirm that emerging adults are positioning marriage later in life while shifting their focus to college, higher education, and their careers (Fincham & Cui (2010). Additionally, there is diminishing support from social institutions and norms to get married. Meanwhile, more recent data from Hawkins and Clyde (2018) also shows that marriage is still viewed as the pinnacle of adulthood. As a result, the number of…

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7 Conversations Every Couple Should Have Before Getting Married

August 29, 2013

We often hear that you should never discuss money or religion in conversation. It is too personal and feelings can easily become hurt. When you and your partner are planning to get married, however, these are just a few of the difficult conversations you absolutely must have. Couples often dismiss or avoid discussing important topics, only to have them appear within their marriage in ways that can erode positivity and invite conflict, anger, and resentment. The conversations…

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