Madissyn Fredericks
Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Have you ever felt like someone was rude, judged, or criticized you and it just ruined your day? You may spend the rest of the day thinking to yourself, “What did I do to deserve that?”, “Did I do something wrong?”, “Why did they treat me like that?”. While the statement “Don’t take it personally” is said often in these situations, it is much more difficult to think about as…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling What’s your definition of being in love? For you, it may be the constant thoughts of your significant other combined with your heart racing when you see them. For others, love may mean they can’t stop smiling, see someone as “perfect”, or want to be with them every second. The feeling of love is not entirely universal and often gets mixed up with the feeling of being infatuated. Therefore, my…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Engaging in romantic relationships is one of the biggest risks you can take. While they may bring you so much joy and happiness, they can also encompass pain and betrayal. As you continue to open yourself up and become vulnerable physically and emotionally with another person, the risk of getting rejected, hurt, betrayed, or abandoned grows. Experiencing such hurt can lead anyone to engage in self-sabotaging behaviors moving forward. People…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling The idea of living in the present moment, also known as mindfulness, is a foreign concept to many. We all get so wrapped up in multi-tasking, worrying about the future, and ruminating on the past that we don’t get to appreciate what is happening right now, in this moment. Not only are you more productive when you are focusing on the present, but you are also more able to live…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling When you think of “self-care” you most likely think of working out and eating healthy. While physical self-care is crucial, the other five forms of self-care are just as important in achieving the level of happiness and balance you deserve. A lot of people burn themselves out from all the stress in their daily lives or simply just put themselves last on their priority list. Unfortunately, it isn’t until they…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling The question, “Am I ready for therapy?”, is a question that is asked by many as they struggle with life’s challenges and mental health concerns. You may ask yourself, “Is now the right time?” or “Is therapy actually what I need?”. These questions are normal and good questions to ask yourself before you schedule the first session. Therapy is a deeply personal and often challenging process that involves honest self-reflection…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling When you really think about it, you spend most of your days at work. You are there at least 8 hours per day, five days per week, for most of your adult life. With work being so present in our lives, it becomes clear how much workplace negativity affects our moods on a daily basis. You may notice when you disagree with another colleague, got poor feedback at your review,…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Trust, the feeling of safety within your relationship, is one of the most crucial components to a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, trust can easily be broken. Whether you were unfaithful, lied, or crossed a boundary in your romantic relationship, the trust your partner once had for you has been altered. Breaking the trust in your relationship leaves your partner feeling betrayed, insecure, hurt, and angry. While you may want everything to…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Many of us have experienced breakups and know they can be messy and ugly. Often we are left with unanswered questions, resentment, anger, and fears that seem to stick with us for longer than we would like them to. So what do you do when you need closure and are not able to receive it from your ex? There are several ways to obtain the closure you deserve on your…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Maintaining a balance between the expectations of your career and your home life is no easy task. Many times, a poor work-life balance can result in you getting burnt out in your career or feeling like your work life is carrying over into your home life. For example, stressful work situations or encounters throughout your day can still affect you at home, as you may feel anxious, depressed, stressed, and…
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