Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



How Can I Reset My Anxiety?

November 14, 2020

I work with many clients who are struggling with anxiety, whether it is related to the current pandemic, their jobs, parenting, relationships with others, or just general life stressors. My job as their therapist is to help the client understand what is contributing to their anxiety, and then possible coping mechanisms to help manage their anxiety.  I recently read an article from The New York Times that touched on this very topic about how to better manage…

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How Can I Improve My Emotional Intelligence?

November 13, 2020

Most times when people think of intelligence, they think of intelligence based on their IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Something that is just important, if not more important in my opinion as a therapist, is emotional intelligence. It can be a hard subject to understand and also challenging to increase emotional intelligence. I recently read an article from Fast Company that touched on this very topic, “5 Simple ways to boost your emotional intelligence everyday” by author Harvey Deutschendorf. …

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What questions Should I Ask My Prospective Therapist?

August 23, 2020

Many individuals are currently struggling with their mental health related to the unprecedented times we are all living in today. Whether it is related to loneliness, depression, isolation, grief, anxiety, depression, or a combination of all of those things, the current state of our country is certainly affecting everyone’s mental health. As an individual embarking in therapy, finding the right therapist is such an important step in starting to feel better or to better manage the symptoms…

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I Just Want To Be Happy, But How Do I Do That?

August 21, 2020

I work with many clients who struggle with feeling anxious and depressed. As their clinical therapist, I ask clients what contributing factors are occurring to increase their depression and/or anxiety, and then I help provide possible coping mechanisms to help manage their depression. I recently read an article from The New York Times that touched on this very topic, “How to be happy” by author Tara Parker-Pope.  Below are Tara’s key recommendations on how to be happy.…

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Could I have postpartum depression? If I do, how do I treat it? Part 2

June 30, 2020
Could I have postpartum depression If I do how do I treat it Part 2 5eed443016913

If you read my last blog post, “Could I have postpartum depression? If I do, how do I treat it? Part 1”, referencing The New York Times article, “Postpartum depression can be dangerous. Here’s how to recognize it and seek treatment” by author Tara Haelle, you may be wondering about the additional symptoms of postpartum depression as well as the appropriate next steps to take if you do have it. Below are the remaining key points from…

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Could I have postpartum depression? If I do, how do I treat it? Part 1

May 31, 2020
Could I have postpartum depression If I do how do I treat it Part 1 5eed3624c4f4f

I work with many clients who are excited about starting the next phase of their life by having children and becoming new parents. Many come to me both excited and nervous about what that could look like. Many clients who already have anxiety and/or depression voice to me that they are anxious about having postpartum depression due to suffering from depression in the past. As their clinical therapist, my job is not only to validate their concerns,…

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Practicing Self-Care in Quarantine

May 19, 2020
Practicing Self Care in Quarantine Caroline Quintanilla 5ef3c3192653f

Prior to when all of this started, many of us found ourselves in need of a break. We were overwhelmed, and going to work for long hours, trying to tend to the needs of our friends and families, staying active and making “good” choices with food, cooking, cleaning, and commuting, all while trying to find time for “fun.” During that time, we were encouraged to slow down… to take the time we needed to prioritize time spent…

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