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Individual therapy


Why You Have More Friends Than You Think

July 30, 2020
Why You Have More Friends Than You Think 5f15ef9a2de68

In my work with clients, I often come across issues pertaining to insecurities around friendship. People who have one, two, or a small close circle of friends often wish that they had a broader network or a “group” to find solace in. People who have a broader network often yearn for the closeness that having a “best” friend can provide. Perhaps this is just a case of our humanity coming to light in always wanting what we…

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10 Signs You Might Want To Seek Individual Therapy

November 4, 2013

Think back to a time when you had a really terrible day.  Now, imagine yourself in that day.  What was that day like for you?  How did you feel?  Most likely, you were feeling down, unmotivated, frustrated, and perhaps even sad.  Little things overwhelmed you and, really, you just wanted to go back to bed and sleep it off.  You just were not feeling like yourself.  Typically, these days come and go – and you feel like…

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