depression symptoms
Maybe you’ve noticed something different in your partner. He or she may be acting sadder than usual, may not be taking pleasure in the things that he or she usually enjoys, or may even be talking about death a lot. It could be your partner just down in the dumps, or these symptoms could be pointing to something much more serious – depression. While it’s normal to be sad, especially when there’s loss involved, depression is a…
Read MoreThink back to a time when you had a really terrible day. Now, imagine yourself in that day. What was that day like for you? How did you feel? Most likely, you were feeling down, unmotivated, frustrated, and perhaps even sad. Little things overwhelmed you and, really, you just wanted to go back to bed and sleep it off. You just were not feeling like yourself. Typically, these days come and go – and you feel like…
Read MoreAlthough depression is a problem for many people, it has typically been understood as an issue that occurs more often in women. Indeed, statistics have indicated that, over the course of their lifetimes, women are about 70% more likely than men to have an episode of major depression. But what if we reconsidered how we think about depression and how it manifests? Results from a recent study suggest that when externalizing symptoms like rage, substance abuse, and…
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