Danielle Bertini
By: Danielle Bertini, LPC Sometimes it truly feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Between work, spending time with friends, caring for children and loved ones, staying healthy, pursuing personal interests, it can feel like it’s impossible to balance everything. And in fact, research suggests that this struggle has grown increasingly difficult in recent years, with full time employees in the U.S. putting in nearly one full extra day of work each week and forfeiting…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC Leaving an abusive relationship usually isn’t as easy as simply walking out the door. Aside from the logistics of having to find a new place to live, supporting yourself, and sometimes children being involved, you might also feel tied to your partner and feel unable to break away. This emotional attachment, which is known as a trauma bond, develops out of a repeated cycle of abuse, devaluation, and positive reinforcement (Raypole, 2020). This…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC Have you ever heard of, or even experienced, the word FOMO (fear of missing out)? If you have, it was probably used casually in a day-to-day conversation. “If I don’t go to that dinner, I’m going to have real FOMO.” However, behind the seemingly innocent acronym hides a darker reality. FOMO can cause significant distress, as it can cause people to live their lives through the filters of what other people are doing.…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC No roommate is going to be perfect. Even with the ones that seem great on paper, you’re still likely to encounter some problems. So, how do you handle roommate conflicts? Should you leave a passive-aggressive note? Tempting, I know, but there are better ways to deal with roommate problems. Yablonski (2020) offers 9 tips to help you learn how to deal with a bad roommate. Set rules and boundaries. One of…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC It’s been more than two decades since the launch of commercial dating sites like Match.com, which has evolved into a multibillion-dollar industry around the world (Orbuch, 2010). According to a 2019 Pew Research Center study, three-in-ten U.S. adults say they have ever used a dating site or app (Vogels, 2020). And although roughly 57% of online daters said they’ve had an overall positive experience on these platforms, 47% said that their recent experience…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC If there is one thing that is constant in life, it’s change. I’ve noticed that change seems to be a huge pattern in the lives of many people I am currently working with. The pandemic has undoubtedly created a lot of changes. And now that some things are getting more back to “normal,” it appears that people are realizing that our “normal” is now different. And that’s scary! Whether it’s a move…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC The truth is, we all need to try our best to get along with one another. This is how we are able to keep humanity (for the most part) to stay intact. However, some people work extra hard. People pleasers. People pleasers rely on others’ approval to feel good about themselves and struggle to say no to people for fear of feeling guilty or worrying that others might think they’re selfish. In…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC I love my family and friends. But I absolutely love spending time by myself. To me, there is no better feeling than being able to sit alone in silence and enjoy my own company, especially after spending a lot of time with others. As an introvert, I can only take so much “together time” before my energy is drained and I am craving a quieter, less stimulating place. If you aren’t…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC At some point in your life, you’ve probably been asked the questions, “So tell me a bit about yourself?” What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?” Maybe you’re able to answer those questions without hesitation, however a lot of people struggle with answering these questions due to not knowing who they are as a person. Some people make it quite far in life without giving their identity too…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC There’s no arguing against the fact that it’s good to have a strong work ethic and high standards. But when does this go too far? Meet—perfectionism. Perfectionism involves the tendency to set standards that are so high that they either cannot be met or are only met with great difficulty. Anything short of perfection is horrible and unacceptable. Making mistakes isn’t even an option because it signifies that they are a failure.…
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