As technology developed and social media made its way to the mainstream, time spent on our phones and computers began to steadily increase. There was more to look at and scroll through and there was more information to be gathered both intellectually and socially from these platforms. As dating applications came on the scene time spent swiping on our phones increased as well. We’ve seen an overwhelming increase the past few years in the amount of time…
Read MoreBy Eve Brownstone, LCPC These images came to me in meditation. I call them Guardians at the Gate. In meditation, these strong bird-like figures were perched on the gate of a medieval castle. I saw them protecting me and humanity from the Invaders at the Gate: Coronavirus. Invaders at the Gate I spent time painting first the Guardians at the Gate and the Invaders at the Gate. Then I dialogued with these images. I asked what…
Read MoreI work with many clients who are anxious and/or depressed related to their personal life or professional life, and sometimes both. My job as their clinician is to better help understand possible reasons why my client is anxious and/or depressed, and then to provide possible coping strategies to better manage their anxiety and/or depression. I often recommend clients to journal in between sessions. Many clients typically respond by saying, “Sure, I’m open to journaling, but how and…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC In some ways, we are constantly seeking “the best” from people. We want the best doctors, the best service at a restaurant, or even to get the best advice from friends. We don’t want people who will just tell us what to do, but people who have our best interests in mind. In this way, we are looking for great leadership. And we all have the ability to provide leadership at some point…
Read MoreI have worked with many clients who are new graduates from high school and college. Many times, they speak to me about their many concerns, stressors, and anxiety about the many questions centering around, “what am I going to do next in my life?” This recent spring, due to the pandemic, that question has become even harder to answer for my college aged clients. Many are considering taking a gap year either in between their school years…
Read MoreBridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC It’s no secret that 2020 has taken an emotional toll on all of us. Our lives have been disrupted, plans have been destroyed and or delayed, we’re worried about our loved ones and many of us are experiencing loneliness from prolonged isolation. When life is busy, it’s easy for feelings of disorganization, panic and despair to be kept at bay, but many people are learning that amidst this pandemic, some undesirable things…
Read MoreAs COVID-19 continues to sweep our country, another crisis continues to grow. Many individuals are either continuing to battle mental health struggles or fighting this battle for the first time. Rates of anxiety and depression have increased tremendously from the current circumstances. Whether we’ve lost a loved one, have been isolated from friends and family, or are experiencing the economic impacts of this pandemic, we’ve all been impacted in some capacity. People have begun looking for answers…
Read MoreToxic positivity is not a phrase many of us are used to hearing. Isn’t positivity, well, positive? Some of the time yes, and some of the time no. To better understand, it’s important to know the definition of toxic positivity. “Toxic positivity is the idea that we should focus only on positive emotions and the positive aspects of life. It’s the belief that if we ignore difficult emotions and the parts of our life that aren’t working…
Read MoreAs of about three weeks ago I officially joined the group of individuals who adopted a puppy during quarantine. For some time, I’ve been playing with the idea of whether getting a puppy was a good or bad idea based on my lifestyle. Switching to working from home gave me the final push to take the plunge and get a dog. This is easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Dog’s truly are human’s best…
Read MoreHannah Hopper, LPC Exhausted, frazzled, overwhelmed, and burnt out. If any of these words describe how you’ve been feeling lately, you’re not alone. Many of my clients have used some variation of these words to describe what they’ve been going through over the past several months, and at times it may feel like there is no end in sight. When our world is in a state of crisis, it’s hard to escape feeling overwhelmed. Below are several…
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