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An Affair Is Not the Beginning of the End

June 24, 2014

Couples too often split soon after infidelity, before considering alternatives or attempting to repair the relationship. (Continue reading … )

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9 Ways to Prepare your Relationship for the Holidays

November 18, 2013
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Believe it or not, the holiday season is just around the corner.  While most of us look forward to this time of year, it can also be a difficult season for many of us.  For couples, in particular, it can be a time of contradictions.  On the one hand, it is a time to connect, celebrate, and share our gratitude and love toward one another.  On the other hand, however, the holiday season can generate a great…

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7 Conversations Every Couple Should Have Before Getting Married

August 29, 2013

We often hear that you should never discuss money or religion in conversation. It is too personal and feelings can easily become hurt. When you and your partner are planning to get married, however, these are just a few of the difficult conversations you absolutely must have. Couples often dismiss or avoid discussing important topics, only to have them appear within their marriage in ways that can erode positivity and invite conflict, anger, and resentment. The conversations…

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14 Things That Smart Couples Do

August 26, 2013

Are you being smart in your relationship? A successful romantic relationship does not just happen by chance, and happy couples are not just lucky people. A successful relationship is built when a couple approaches their partnership in an intelligent way. Below are 14 things that smart couples do. How does your relationship measure up? 1. They communicate well. Smart couples talk openly and with respect and listen actively and with real interest. 2. They are intentional. Smart…

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10 Signs You Are Ready To Date Him Exclusively

August 20, 2013

Originally published, by request, for the membership dating website Dr. Anne Malec is a contributing writer for Razzou, her articles focus on romantic relationships, dating guidance and resolving conflict between couples. This submission was requested to focus on the dynamic of a female/male dating relationship, however the context holds true for various types of romantic relationships. How do you know that you want to be exclusive with the guy you have been dating? Is it just…

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How Trust Helps You Forgive

March 12, 2013

No one is perfect—especially within the context of a relationship. Whether it’s forgetting a birthday or picking a fight, we all make mistakes. But if you trust your partner, you’re more likely to forgive and forget, according a new study recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Researchers from Northwestern University and Redeemer University College had participants fill out surveys about the levels of trust, commitment, satisfaction, and attachment in their current romantic relationships.…

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Couples Who Say “We” Are Better Able to Resolve Conflicts

February 18, 2013

A new study shows there’s no “I” in happy couples. Here’s how to speak the language of love. What’s the magic word? Turns out, it’s “we.” Couples who use “we” language are better able to resolve conflicts—and are happier in their relationships—than those who don’t, according to a new study from the University of California, Berkeley. Researchers analyzed conversations over disagreements between 154 middle-aged and older couples. They found that those who used pronouns such as “we,”…

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