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couples counseling


How Does Control Play a Role in Mental Health?

April 19, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC Do you feel angered or out of control when things don’t go your way? If yes, you may be subjecting yourself to unnecessary suffering. As human beings, we have many common needs: food, water, shelter, love. One such need is also that of our need for control. Humans exercise control in all matters of their life, from choosing what to eat to who they want to date to where they want to work.…

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How Do You Know When It’s Time to Change Jobs?

April 18, 2021

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW  A difficult fact to consider is that not everyone is going to be working in their dream job. This is something that can be frustrating and disappointing, but it doesn’t have to be. For some this can be completely healthy and acceptable. For others this can be motivation to change. Below, we will discuss a few ways to understand the feelings you might be having and whether or not they suggest it is time…

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How Do We Deal with Overwhelming Exhaustion? Part 2

April 17, 2021

Hello again. I hope part one of ways we can deal with exhaustion has been helpful. Ideally, you’ve begun to acknowledge feeling exhausted is something you resonate with and have fully admitted that to yourself. Maybe you’ve stopped here, sitting with the realization before taking further steps. Maybe you’ve moved ahead towards removing things from your to do list and shifting your schedule. I hope you’ve turned the news off and have begun consuming light, funny and…

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How Do We Deal with Overwhelming Exhaustion? Part 1

April 16, 2021

When I initially sat down to write this blog post, it was early in the first week of January. I had been hearing from clients returning from break that their breaks were not as relaxing and rejuvenating as they’d hope they would be. It was the first Monday of the year and they were already exhausted, tired, and wondering how they were going to make it to Friday. Honestly, I was feeling the same way. I had…

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How Do We Break Free from People-Pleasing?

April 15, 2021

People pleasing is something that’s difficult for many of us to avoid doing. We find joy in making other people happy and being there to support them when times are difficult. But when does being a good person cross over into being a people pleaser? I believe this happens when putting others first comes at a detriment to ourselves. Choosing other people’s joy over our own. Hurting ourselves to avoid hurting others. People pleasers eventually lose themselves…

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How To Be Mindful of What Others Are Going Through

April 9, 2021

We never know what other people are going through on any given day. At the very least, we do know, everyone is living through a global pandemic that will have lasted over a year. We know people have made accommodations in order to work from home, learning an entire new set of skills to manage Zoom fatigue and boundaries. We know people wear masks everywhere to prevent themselves from harming themselves or others. We know life feels…

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How Can I Make Friendships As An Adult?

April 5, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC  Friendships are important. They can help us shape our goals, give us rhythm to our days, and even largely determine happiness. However, true friendships in adulthood can be much harder to make and maintain. Bonior (2016) offers 10 ways to make, and keep, friendships as an adult.      Make it a health issue. Friendships are not only important for your mental health, but they are actually also crucial for your physical health.…

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Where Can I Find Online Mental Health Resources

April 4, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC  If you or a loved one is struggling with issues pertaining to mental health and are seeking trustworthy resources, you have come to the right place. Below, you will find a list of notable mental health websites which provide valuable, research-based information to assist you as you navigate your personal mental health journey. Online Mental Health Resources: What are They and Where can I Find Them?  SAMHSA          The Substance Abuse and Mental…

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How Can I Form a Secure Attachment with My Child?

April 4, 2021

Hannah Hopper, LPC  Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Dan Siegel has spent a large chunk of his life researching attachment, and what parents can do to help create secure attachments with their children. He has several parenting books on this, and recently I’ve been reading a book that he and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson wrote called The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired. This book has so many…

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What Are Mental Health Apps And How Can They Help?

April 3, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC Mental health apps are software tools designed to facilitate you regarding your mental health and well-being. They are easily accessible on your smartphone or mobile devices and focus on improving different facets of your mental health. These apps are designed to work on a wide range of areas associated with your mental well-being like stress management, improving mood, relaxation, enhancing sleep, reviving your thoughts, etc. Mental health apps offer you with therapeutic activities,…

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