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By: Danielle Bertini, LPC I think we can all say a collective experience the world has shared this year (among other things) is that we are BORED. With the pandemic still around and most activities continuing to be shut down, there truly is not much to do to occupy our time. And here’s the thing—boredom is generally viewed as an unpleasant emotional state. When you feel bored and fatigued, 10 minutes can feel like an eternity. Because…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback LCSW Something that I have been hearing more and more recently is a reluctance from people to admit that they feel good about something small. We all do this at times, we feel awkward admitting that something felt good, or we are proud of a certain achievement but feel we cannot indulge this feeling. We should always allow ourselves to feel good about the things that actually feel good instead of pretending we don’t,…
Read MoreBy Andrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC In the first part of this blog, we explored Point 1 and Point 2 of SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program for behavior change. Next, let’s look at: Point 3 – Managing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors This dives deeper into Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy tools and concepts. The key tool here is the ABC’s. I have written about the ABC’s of REBT previously, but in short, the theory of REBT says that we create…
Read MoreBy Andrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC SMART Recovery is a secular, evidence-based recovery program that emphasizes an individual’s ability to gain empowerment through making better choices. SMART is an acronym that stands for Self Management And Recovery Training, with a strong emphasis on “self management,” (you will also find that this program loves its acronyms!). SMART is a program of personal accountability by learning how to identify, challenge, and reframe patterns of thinking to make lasting behavior changes.…
Read MoreProductivity and efficiency are things individuals strive for in both their work and home environments. It’s frequently thought that the more productive you are the more successful you’ll be. Or the more productive you are the more leisure time you’ll be able to have at the end of the day. It can be frustrating when others are seemingly more productive than we are despite what we feel are our best efforts to stay on task and make…
Read MoreI think it’s safe to assume most, if not all, of us are currently experiencing higher levels of stress than we may previously have been used to. We are living through “unprecedented” times, as I’ve heard people repeat time and time again. But what are we doing to account for these times? From my perspective, we’ve been expected to adapt to working from home, potentially home school our children, isolate from friends and family, and continue working…
Read MoreErin Ameri, LPC There is no question that times are tough right now, and everyone could use some extra support. Therapy can feel like a daunting experience to those who have never done it before. Often we find ourselves in therapy once we’ve hit a breaking point, rather than as a preventative measure. In the past, therapy was a taboo topic to suggest to a loved one. Nowadays, I find clients wanting to suggest therapy to a…
Read MoreSteven Losardo, AMFT Schultheis et al. 2010 note that you may divert attention, give excuses, or justify when not being accountable for something you have done or are still doing. In a committed relationship, this often results in arguments or conflicts and, if not addressed, perpetual gridlock (Gottman, 2017). This blog will review a couple exercises that help highlight places where you have not been accountable or need help developing accountability, if not present. For the blog’s…
Read MoreBy: Ashlee Stumpf, LPC While working in a men’s group for the past four years, I have heard of numerous hardships. One which continues to strike me is the number of these men who had suicidal thoughts or made previous attempts to take their own life. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. As a result, much study has been done…
Read MoreIt’s no secret that our mindset tends to dictate the way we interpret experiences throughout our lives. If we’re in a good mood we typically look on the bright side of things. Find the positives wherever we can. If we’re in a bad mood, everything’s terrible and nothing is going our way. During my sessions with clients, I find myself frequently discussing how we can shift our perspective. How we perceive things affects how we feel and…
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