Do you understand what the term “non-binary” means? What about the pronoun “they”? The newest celebrity to state that they would like to be called by “they/them/theirs” pronouns is Sam Smith. The Meriam Webster Dictionary just included the word “they” as a pronoun of non-binary. This is huge for society as people have not accepted “they” as a pronoun of how people can identify themselves. So what exactly does this all mean to you, me, and to…
Read MoreWe are constantly on the go and I feel like there are many times that I am not able to relax until I get into bed, if even that. We have such a need to keep on going and keep checking everything off our list until it is done for the day or until our bodies say “no more!”. What are some ways that you can relax more? Being able to relax not only your body, but…
Read MoreDanielle Bertini Millennials have been a hot button topic recently. Comparisons of the “older” generation versus the “younger” generation have been rampant in all aspects of life. It’s no secret that older generations reached family-planning milestones much earlier than Millennials. Getting married and having babies in one’s twenties was once the norm, and now that is no longer the case. Research has found that between 2007 and 2012, birth rates among women in their twenties declined more…
Read MoreHannah Hopper Have you ever felt distracted by stressful events that happened in your past, this last week, or even several hours ago? Have you ever been so anxious about what could happen in the future that you’re unable to even focus on the things that are happening in your present moment? If any of these things have been true for you (and let’s be honest, we’ve all experienced this at some point), then you might consider…
Read MoreIn my previous blog post, Internal Family Systems and the Eight C’s: Part One, I briefly explained the basic idea of what Internal Family Systems (IFS) theory is and one of its tenets, which is the concept of the Eight C’s. As humans, we function as our most aware, centered Selves when we operate from the Eight C’s. I discussed the first four C’s which are calmness, clarity, curiosity, and compassion. In this post, I will explore…
Read MoreMental health practitioners are trained in various theories and intervention models that allow them to help their clients in an effective, comprehensive way. One model that I have lately been intrigued by is the Internal Family Systems (IFS) theory. This model integrates the systems theory model and multiplicity of the mind; it explores multiple parts of the individual mind and how all of these parts interact as a system, in self and in the environment. One aspect…
Read MoreHave you lost a loved one in your life and feel a huge void? Or feel a roller coaster of emotions? Or feel like you’re going crazy? As a therapist, I work with a lot of clients who have lost a family member, spouse, or someone very close to them, and whom are unsure of what to do with the overwhelming emotions. One of the most common concerns that I hear is that they feel like they…
Read MoreDo you find the job search process overwhelming? Or do you find it difficult to stay positive during the job interview process from applying to several jobs? Or have you found yourself getting discouraged from not getting accepted to the dream job? Here are some tips in staying positive through the interview process. You may find this process overwhelming, particularly if you are trying to get your first job, make a job change transition, or if you…
Read MoreAs a parent, are you ever amazed at your child’s art of playing? Are you intrigued at watching their creative play? As a parent of a one-year-old child, I am often curious and fascinated about how she knows how to play. Children do not need to be taught how to play but rather seem to possess a natural-born intuition about how to play. They seem to know how to even lead their own play and possess awareness…
Read MoreShannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Sleep is the most important factor that we tend to overlook and vital for all aspects of one’s health. Everyone would all love to have seven to nine peaceful hours of sleep each night. However, that is not always the goal within our fast-paced society. It’s ironic that as an infant, there is so much importance on sleep and regulated sleep and then as adults we put more value on the waking…
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