Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Increasing Happiness: Working Against Your Brain, Part I

March 5, 2020
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Coursera is a great online tool for learning; it offers up a world of learning to people who cannot afford a college education, and it provides ongoing learning opportunities for people who do have college degrees but want to expand their range of personal and professional interests. The information found below is compiled from Yale University’s The Science of Well-Being course, taught by Dr. Laurie Santos, and gives you a taste of the great information found on…

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Predictors of Divorce: Part II

March 3, 2020
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John Gottman is one of the country’s leading experts on what makes romantic relationships work. He and his wife, Julie Gottman, have conducted research at their Love Lab for decades and created the Gottman Institute. The following findings come from Gottman’s own research and are found in his bestseller The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert. This is the final part of a two-part blog series. In my…

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Predictors of Divorce: Part I

March 3, 2020
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John Gottman is one of the country’s leading experts on what makes romantic relationships work. He and his wife, Julie Gottman, have conducted research at their Love Lab for decades and created the Gottman Institute. The following findings come from Gottman’s own research and are found in his bestseller The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert. This is part one of a two-part blog series. We don’t set…

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The Importance of Having Storytime with Your Infant

March 1, 2020
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There is extensive research out there stating the benefits and importance of reading to and with your young children. Now, research is even indicating the impact of reading to your infants, way before they can see, hear, or comprehend images and words. We know how beneficial it is to read with our kids, but now we need to understand the benefits our reading to infants and the profound positive impact it has on their development. Reading to…

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Recognizing Underlying Themes in Our Lives

February 28, 2020
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Matthew Cuddeback, LCSW When therapists are meeting with a client for the first time one of the questions we ask, in some form, is what the client feels they need to work on, what brought them in. It is intended to provoke a few things, ultimately, therapists look at everything as information and without judgement. So, I am listening for information that tells me where the client is focused, but also how they think about their life…

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Tips for Postpartum Depression

February 26, 2020
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If you just had a baby, or you are planning to have a baby, it is important to understand the signs of postpartum depression and the baby blues. Keep an eye out for feeling: Sad, hopeless or empty Crying more than usual with no reason Overly anxious Angry Doubt in your ability to care for your baby Thoughts about harming yourself or your baby Having a baby is SO stressful. Not only are you sleep-deprived, but you…

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Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

February 24, 2020
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Hannah Hopper There are some things that your partner does that initially seemed cute and endearing, but as the months go on you’ve started to feel uncomfortable and question if these behaviors are healthy or not. Sometimes in the midst of an unhealthy relationship, it can be hard to spot the warning signs and red flags, but this blog focuses on some ways that a relationship can be unhealthy. Not Accepting You as You Are Yes, we…

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How to Support Someone Through Grief

February 22, 2020
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Danielle Bertini Grief can be a tricky subject to deal with, especially when you are on the other end of it. There can be many intense and painful emotions attached to grief, such as depression, anger, guilt, and deep sadness, and it can be difficult to know what to say or do. You may be afraid of intruding, saying the wrong thing, or making your loved one feel worse at such a difficult time. Or maybe you…

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Thinking Outside the Box: How Personality Lies on a Spectrum

February 20, 2020
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You have likely heard of the terms “introvert” and “extrovert”, and you may even identify with one of those personality traits. The concepts of introvert versus extrovert are widely used amongst people to categorize and understand their personality and the behaviors that come with it. An introvert is understood to be someone who is more shy and prefers to keep to themselves; introverts tend to be over-stimulated in social situations and like more quiet or alone time.…

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Social Media’s Impact on Going Through a Breakup

February 18, 2020
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It’s no secret that going through a breakup sucks. No matter which end you’re on, feelings are hurt and dynamics are shifting. Change is hard, breakups are hard, and social media is making it even harder. Social media adds even more things to think about when going through a breakup such as changing your relationship status on Facebook or if you’ll have to see your ex on Instagram and Snapchat. Our minds lean towards negative viewpoints so…

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