Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Amanda Ann Gregory


How Can I Mange Transitional Stress?

May 30, 2021
How Can I Mange Transitional Stress

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Therapist Transitional stress is a certain emotional and/or physical response to a life transition.  Here are some tips to help you cope with transitional stress:  Embrace Awareness Step back and notice what’s happening in your life. Can you identify one or more transitions that you are experiencing now? A transition does not need to be a huge, life changing event, but may be something that appears small or insignificant. Finishing a…

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Are You Experiencing Transitional Stress?

May 27, 2021
Are You Experiencing Transitional Stress

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Therapist Life transitions are more common than you might realize. Examples of such transitions that might come to mind are common ones such as the following:       Starting a new job/academic program.       Losing or leaving a job.       Making a career change.       Graduating.       Retirement.       Empty nesting.       Moving to a new home/relocating.  …

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What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)?

May 22, 2021
What are Adverse Childhood Experiences ACEs

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC  Are there certain experiences that can commonly cause trauma responses in children? Yes, and we have identified the most common of these experiences, which are known as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).  In 1995 and 1997, CDC-Kaiser-Permanente conducted a massive study to identify the most common experiences that can cause a child to suffer trauma in childhood and later in adulthood. These experiences- called “ACEs” – have helped adults better understand not only the…

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Self-Care or Selfishness?

May 4, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC “Self-care” has become a buzzword, and for good reason. Many people have discovered that practicing self-care benefits their physical and mental health. As a therapist, I often encounter people who fear that their self-care practices might be “selfish.” Many clinicians will say that self-care is never selfish, but I don’t think it’s that easy. There can be overlap between these two concepts, and it’s important to explore whether your own practices of self-care…

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What to Say (and Not Say) to Someone Who’s Grieving

March 3, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR  When someone in your life is grieving, you want to support them. Yet, you may not know what to say to them or you might be afraid of saying the wrong thing. Consider these tips when supporting your loved ones who are grieving. Be Curious. Does your love one want to discuss their grieving process with you? You may not know, and that’s ok. Allow them to decide what they need in…

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How Do I Match My Communication to Different Styles of Learning?

February 5, 2021
How Do I Match My Communication to Different Styles of Learning

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  You can improve your communication by matching someone’s learning style. The three main learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Some people have a primary learning style, while others have a combination of styles. In order to improve your communication with someone, try matching their style of learning. First, identify which style or combination of styles best fits the person with whom you want to communicate. Visual  Here are some aspects…

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How Do I Give Advice to a Teenager?

February 4, 2021
How Do I Give Advice to a Teenager

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Adults have valuable information and life experiences that can benefit teenagers. Yet, teens often struggle to appreciate, absorb, and implement the advice they receive from adults. If you want to give a teen advice, consider these strategies to improve the chances that the teen will act on it. Ask for Permission Imagine this: A friend sends you a text that reads, “You should read this,” and a link to an article…

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How Can I Motivate Teenagers?

February 3, 2021
How Can I Motivate Teenagers

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Teenagers have many obligations, such as school attendance and assignments, chores, hygiene practices, social activities, and family events. Teens will usually lack the motivation to meet their obligations if they feel alienated from them for one reason or another; they may struggle to take an interest in certain tasks because they are unable to perceive their importance, or perhaps simply because they feel overwhelmed by them. Thus, teens often avoid completing…

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How Can I Establish Boundaries with My Family During the Holidays?

February 2, 2021
How Can I Establish Boundaries with My Family During the Holidays 2

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified The holidays often present situations in which you need to establish and maintain boundaries with your family. This process can be difficult, as setting boundaries can feel frustrating, uncomfortable, and scary. Yet, boundaries are necessary in order to protect yourself and improve your relationships with your family. Consider establishing boundaries with respect to a number of sensitive and potentially inflammatory topics, such as safety, child-rearing, housekeeping, religion and politics, food choices,…

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Are Secondary Gains Blocking Your Ability to Change?

January 23, 2021
Are Secondary Gains Blocking Your Ability to Change

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Change is hard. No matter how much motivation you may have, change is difficult to establish and maintain. If you’re trying to make a change in your life and are feeling stuck, you should consider secondary gains, which may be obstacles in your way. Secondary gains are anything that you gain from your current psychological and/or physiological conditions. These gains could be both good and bad. For example, let’s say that…

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