Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Amanda Ann Gregory


Having a Panic Attack?

October 6, 2021
Having a Panic Attack

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Panic attacks can be terrifying, as you may feel as though you are losing control of your mind or body. Here are the common symptoms of a panic attack: Racing heart beat Shortness of breath Nausea Chest tightness Dry mouth Sweating Chills/hot flashes  Numbness/tingling Headache Intense fear/anxiety  Tightness in throat  Feeling faint/dizzy Feeling detached from the world or yourself  A feeling of impending doom  If you experience a panic attack, what…

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How Can My Vagus Nerve Treat PTSD?

October 5, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  The vagus nerve has received a lot of attention from the psychology and medical research communities. This is because this nerve may play an integral part in treating physical and psychological illnesses in the future. In fact, there is preliminary evidence that stimulation of the vagus nerve may help treat depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and inflammatory bowel disease (Breit, 2018). Trauma researchers have focused on the vagus nerve as a…

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How Can I Overcome Financial Abuse?

August 29, 2021
How Can I Overcome Financial Abuse 2

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Financial abuse occurs more often than you think. If you’re unsure whether you’re experiencing financial abuse, please read my blog, “Are You Experiencing Financial Abuse?” If you’re experiencing financial abuse, it’s important to take steps to reestablish your financial safety. Every person’s situation is different, so please keep that in mind, as some of the suggestions here may not apply to you.  Consider taking these actions in order to overcome financial…

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Are You Experiencing Financial Abuse?

August 22, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified   Financial abuse occurs in many relationships. It can persist in romantic relationships, friendships, and family relationships. The impact of financial abuse can be devastating, and therefore it’s important to be aware of the signs of financial abuse so that you can protect yourself.    To determine whether you are experiencing financial abuse, consider whether these situations describe your own:       You have limited or no access to your financial information.…

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What’s Self-Reparenting? (And Do I need it?)

August 18, 2021
Whats Self Reparenting

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Reparenting is a therapeutic intervention that’s often used in trauma treatment. It’s the process of experiencing parenting as an adult as a way to heal the parenting needs that you did not receive as a child. This is usually accomplished by a therapist acting in the role of a parent. Reparenting can also be accomplished outside of the therapeutic relationship by another person acting as your parent. An example would be…

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Stuck in a Work Rut? Here’s How to Get Out

July 31, 2021
Stuck in a Work Rut

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR  It’s official, you’re in a rut. You feel stuck in your boring daily routine at work. You might feel as if you’re living in an endless loop or treadmill as each workday feels the same. Being in a rut can negatively impact your mood causing sadness, hopelessness, boredom, irritability, and a lack of motivation to name a few. When leaving your job isn’t the answer, you need to find ways to get…

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How Can I Get Closure After a Breakup Without Involving My Ex?

July 16, 2021
How Can I Get Closure After a Breakup Without Involving My Ex

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Relationship closure is the experience of acceptance and resolution once a relationship has ended. Closure is an important experience, but it can be difficult to achieve if one or both partners are unable to participate in interactions that promote closure. There are many factors that determine whether former partners are able to achieve closure together. Here are a few components that need to be present:     Safety. Both partners feel…

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How Can I Meditate When I’m Busy?

July 6, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Meditation is one of the most popular methods to improve emotional health. Yet, what if you don’t you have the time to meditate? In that case, you need meditations that are fast and simple: meditations that can be done anywhere – not just at home or in a quiet place – but on the train, at work, or waiting in a line at a store.  Here are a few fast and…

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What Is The Right Type of Therapy to Address Relationship Issues?

June 26, 2021
What Is The Right Type of Therapy to Address Relationship Issues

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  You’re ready to participate in therapy, but you’re not sure which type of therapy would meet your needs. If your primary therapeutic need is related to your relationships, should you seek individual, couples or family therapy? Should I Choose Individual, Couples, or Family Therapy to Address Relationship Issues? Consider these questions to help you decide: What’s your primary issue?       How my personal issues (thoughts, actions, emotions, traumas, attachment…

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How Can I Talk to Myself the Way I Talk to a Loved One?

June 20, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Here’s a hard truth: we tend to be more compassionate and empathic toward the people we love and less empathetic and compassion toward ourselves. Imagine that your loved one has lost their beloved dog. They say to you, “I’m devastated. I shouldn’t be feeling this way, she was just a dog. I’m ridiculous and I just need to get over it.” What would you say to them? You might say something…

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