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How Can You Help Me With Money? You Aren’t an Accountant!

April 11, 2017
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When I tell people that I am a Certified Financial Social Worker, the typical response I get is, “How can you help people with their money issues? You aren’t an accountant or financial planner.” While this might be true – I do not have the training or credentials to give financial or investment advice, create detailed budgets or plans, or offer financial services – there is much more to having a healthy relationship with money than those…

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How to Communicate Well with Yourself

April 1, 2015
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When you think of communication, what do you imagine? For most of us, we conjure up an image of two people talking to one another, engaging in a conversation. However, in addition to this interpersonal dialogue, we are also always communicating with ourselves. We sometimes do this through self-talk – the things that we say to ourselves out loud or the inner dialogue that runs through our minds. Beyond this, our choices of behavior, our thoughts, and…

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