Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Keeping The Score

December 3, 2017
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling  Whether we do it consciously or subconsciously, we all keep score in our relationships to some degree. When we start keeping score in intimate relationships, we may tend to notice when we clean the house more, make more money, or take care of the kids more than our significant other. A study completed by Michael Ross and Fiore Sicoly in 1979 found nearly 75% of married couples overemphasized their contribution…

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Antidepressant 411

November 28, 2017
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Antidepressants are a medication commonly used to treat individuals struggling with symptoms of depression. Some of these symptoms include lack of interest, fatigue, hopelessness, sadness, and even suicidal thoughts. The decision to take an antidepressant, engage in outpatient psychological therapy, or combine the two is entirely up to the individual and their needs. If you and your doctor have decided it may be best to begin taking an antidepressant medication,…

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Stay In Touch: Four Tips for Improving Long-Distance Relationships

November 7, 2017
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Social media, text messaging, and email have become staples of interpersonal communication in our culture. More and more people are establishing and maintaining long-distance relationships electronically. Yet corresponding this way can lack intimacy, which weakens our relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. Here are four ways to use electronic communication to feel close even when you’re far apart. 1. Send a Picture Images communicate and elicit a variety of emotions. We…

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How to Keep Your Partner Engaged in Difficult Conversations

October 27, 2017
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In this video, Dr. Malec answers a question submitted by one of our readers. This letter writer wonders how to keep their partner engaged in difficult conversations. Watch the video above for Dr. Malec’s response. Approaching Difficult Conversations With Your Partner Invite your partner to the conversation It’s important that your partner gets the time and space they need to consider what they have to say. Don’t spring a difficult conversation on them; talk about it in…

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Is My Anxiety a Problem?

October 4, 2017
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Feeling anxious is a common experience—and at times, it’s even a good thing, helping us to increase our motivation, awareness, and competitiveness. But other times, anxiety can feel overwhelming and even unmanageable. How do you know when your anxiety has become problematic? As a therapist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety, I’ve seen many clients whose anxiety has grown into a life-changing problem. This can happen gradually over years or as quickly…

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Re-Entering The Dating World After Divorce

September 20, 2017
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Divorce is often a painful and stressful life event that leaves many men and women feeling alone, wondering how to get back into the dating scene. These individuals may have been married 2, 10, 20, or even 50 years before they decide to end their marriage, and are now facing the difficult task of re-building their lives. After some time has passed and you have processed your divorce, the thought…

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When It Feels Like Everyone is Getting Married, Except You

September 10, 2017
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling In today’s world, social media makes it convenient to become invested in other people’s relationships and compare yourself to them. It is easy to start to panic when every day you open your Instagram account and you see a new engagement announcement. Feelings of discomfort, sadness, or anxiety may arise. You may start to ask yourself, “Why am I not there yet?” or think, “I should have found the one…

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5 Symptoms of Infatuation

September 5, 2017
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Infatuation is a strong, overwhelming, and powerful feeling that we all have felt at some point. You have just met the “perfect” person and you have fallen head over heels for them. You would give anything to be with this person, you get butterflies every time you think about them, and everything feels like a fairytale. If you are currently feeling this way about your new love interest, you may…

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Codependency Decoded

August 15, 2017
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The term codependency has become an increasingly common part of everyday vernacular for those interested in self-improvement. It is a term that often emerges in therapy as we begin to identify relationship patterns that maintain cycles of hurt, disappointment, and resentment. You may have even heard the term described in relation to you, a relationship in your life, or someone in your sphere. Yet, despite its increasing presence in common parlance, developing an easy-to-understand and accurate description…

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Making Change in Therapy: What Are Your Motivations and Expectations?

August 5, 2017
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What makes you decide that it is time to start seeing a therapist? There can be many reasons why a person or couple make this personal decision, but it is important to consider some of the motivating factors that can affect that decision as you begin this work. For instance, a previous therapeutic experience with a psychologist or counselor can color your perceptions. It can make starting the therapy process again feel overwhelming. It might leave you…

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