Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Is Setting Boundaries Important In Relationships?

January 4, 2022

Erin Ameri, LPC One of the main sources of anxiety I find clients struggling with is about setting boundaries in their relationships. Many of us tend to fall on the “people pleasing” scale and often feel guilty or selfish when we put our needs first. The problem with this is it leads to feelings of resentment and unmet needs, which don’t allow us to show up authentically in relationships. Social connection and support are powerful tools when…

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Raising Great Kids: What Does the Research Say? Part III

January 3, 2022
What Does the Research Say

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC It’s important to recognize that not all kids are raised by two parents, or by their biological parents at all. These children are not at a disadvantage. This blog series has articulated a large body of research within and across genders that highlight the needs that mothers and fathers (or other guardians) can fulfill as children. But don’t fret, if one or some of these needs go unmet, it does not…

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Raising Great Kids: What Does the Research Say? Part II

January 2, 2022

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC If you read part one to this three-part blog series, you learned about what sons need from their Dads and what daughters need from their Moms. As you can imagine, both of these needs are different, and both Mom and Dad must work together to cover their bases in different ways. An open line of communication regarding meeting the needs of children together as a team is always recommended, and checking…

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Raising Great Kids: What Does the Research Say? Part I

January 1, 2022
Raising Great Kids

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC For those of you that know me, you might be thinking “What is she doing writing about parenting, she just became one!” Well, I don’t blame you. Yes, I am new to this, constantly learning and researching to be the best parent that I can be to my new bundle of joy. As a clinician, I take the approach of always keeping myself open to learning. The minute one starts thinking…

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What is Cognitive Processing Therapy?

December 31, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  CPT or Cognitive Processing Therapy is a type of behavioral therapy that focuses specifically on patients who are survivors of trauma. This may include child abuse, domestic abuse, rape, natural disasters, major accidents, combat, among others. What is Cognitive Processing Therapy and How Does it Help in The Treatment of Trauma?  This particular therapeutic process is conducted for an average of 12 sessions and gradually helps the patients to address the root of their trauma and the…

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How You Can Get Involved In Mental Health Awareness Month

December 30, 2021
mental health month

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  The month of October is often known for the beginning of fall, Halloween decor, and pumpkin spice everything; however, it is also known for increasing public awareness of mental health disorders, reducing stigma and prejudice towards individuals living with mental illnesses, and promoting community wellness. The month of October is used for disseminating information and raising awareness about screenings and treatment, as the following is observed throughout the month: National Depression and Mental Health…

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Motherhood: What Does My Baby Need Most?

December 29, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC About two weeks into motherhood, my sister-in-law sent me this “Love Letter from Your Baby” written by Jess Urlichs. While navigating the biggest and most rewarding and exciting, yet challenging thing that’s ever happened to me, also while recovering from a C-section, at the time there was nothing that I needed to read more than this. It can be a scary and confusing time, with lots of firsts and unknowns.  Personally,…

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Mind the Mother: How Does Breastfeeding Affect Mental Health?

December 28, 2021
breastfeeding and mental health

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Breastfeeding…if you don’t have kids, you might be freaked out by the idea of it. If you have kids, you might have tried it and had your own experience with it. Has it turned out to be more challenging for you than you initially anticipated? You’re not alone. No matter who you are, or what your experiences entail, you have likely heard someone share their opinions about it. Maternal mental health…

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5 Scheduling Techniques to Reduce Stress

December 27, 2021

Steven Losardo, LMFT Whether you’re looking to reduce the stress levels of your employees or yourself, managing the way you schedule time makes a significant difference. Our lives are about finding a balance between work, being social, and caring for yourselves. If one of those is out of place or off balance, it reflects in the way we engage in our day to day lives. There are five scheduling techniques that can help keep things in balance…

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5 Tips For Self-Care During Times of Loss

December 26, 2021
Self care for Loss

Steven Losardo, LMFT Sometimes the hardest part of losing someone you care for, isn’t the loss itself, but it’s what happens to you after the loss has occurred. The aftermath is a time to care for yourself and engage in self-care tactics to help get you through this difficult time. There are dozens of self-care methods ranging from something as simple as taking a bath to as extreme as taking that overseas vacation. It really depends on…

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