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Getting to Know Your Inner Child

July 18, 2017
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We all have beginnings as children, playing, laughing, loving, and interacting with the world as if it were magical. Even though we age, our earlier life experiences are still within us. Those creative, carefree, and childlike parts are still there, and so are any challenging and traumatic experiences we may have experienced in our youth. Both the positive and challenging experiences can affect our mental health into adulthood. As we age, it is common to consciously and/or…

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What is "Self-Care"?

July 11, 2017
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“Self-care” has become a familiar term in pop culture and is commonly promoted by Millennials through hashtags, personal blogging, and other media outlets. Therapists commonly talk to their clients about the importance of practicing self-care on a daily basis as a way to help with anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns as well as a way to improve overall well-being. However, what may not be talked about as much is what self-care actually is and why…

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Visualizing Your Emotional Landscape

June 20, 2017
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By: Margaret Reynolds, LCPC Part 1 (Navigating the Terrain) What follows is a visualization exercise to help you find perspective and develop awareness, appreciation, and authorship for your life’s journey. This will involve painting a mental picture for yourself and then looking at it in three distinct ways to learn and grow from the experience. Doing this will come naturally to some and will be more difficult for others. I recommend that you make notes or sketches…

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Learning to Heal Your Inner Child

June 13, 2017
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Do you listen to your inner child? As adults, we often become preoccupied with our “adult” roles and forget that despite the aging process, we were all once children. Your inner child is within you no matter how old you are, and this part now depends on your adult self for nurturing. If you struggle with mental health issues, even if it’s not depression with a capital D, your inner child may benefit from more nurturing. Many…

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Know Your Strength: Connecting the Physical and Emotional Coping Skills

June 10, 2017
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Situational mood problems like a temporary break up, money issue, or argument with a friend can seem devastating but anxiety or depression treatment can seem unfit at the time. Mood problems in general can create various types of distorted thinking like tunnel vision, all or nothing, and black and white thinking. I like to call this type of thinking “Rough Draft” thinking because it’s sloppy and not reflective of our entire strength and resilience. More specifically, the…

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How Ready Are You to Change?

May 27, 2017
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By Andrew McNaughton LCSW CADC Change is a process, and certainly not an easy one, but the benefits of making positive changes will almost certainly outweigh discomfort felt during the process. We are not, however, always prepared to dive into making changes, or are even able or ready to see that we could benefit from changing. Before attempting changes, it is useful to be able to identify how ready we are to begin to make them. This…

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Real Life Mindfulness 101

May 23, 2017
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If you’ve recently been to a yoga class or read a self-help book, you’re probably familiar with the term mindfulness. During therapy, your counselor may tell you to be mindful of your emotions or behavior in a particular situation. Numerous research studies continue to demonstrate that mindfulness based interventions provide stress reduction and overall symptom reduction for many mental health conditions, including anxiety. Yet, understanding how mindfulness can really help you and applying it in day-to-day life…

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How to Respond to a Suicide Risk

May 16, 2017
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By Andrew McNaughton LCSW CADC What determines the significance and urgency of the risk if someone expresses suicidal ideation or intent? It is important to recognize it as a cry for help, not a cry for attention. Assessing for suicide risk requires a trained observer. However, in a crisis situation, it is important to be able to communicate the extent of the risk to 911. Do not hesitate to call 911 if your loved one has expressed…

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The Power of Your Breath

May 9, 2017
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If you have ever taken a yoga class, you have probably heard the instructor say things like, “Just breathe,” or “Focus on your breath.” Breathing is an essential element of yoga. Yoga involves intentional breathing – breathing with purpose and in a controlled manner – a technique which may also help with anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles. Making breath the focus while practicing yoga can deepen relaxation and enhance a mind-body connection, as it has…

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You Don’t Have To Believe Everything You Think

April 18, 2017
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If you have ever felt consumed or overwhelmed by your thoughts, the concept that you do not have to believe everything you think can seem foreign. Without awareness of the problem, it can sometimes feel like you are a slave to your thoughts. I often hear people say that they cannot shut their minds off or that they cannot escape their thinking, which causes them a great deal of anxiety and distress. Many people feel like they…

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