Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling We have all experienced grief and loss at some point in our lives. Whether it was the loss of a loved one, the termination of a relationship, the loss of a job, or the death of a pet, you have probably experienced that emotional rollercoaster. While you may feel like you should be putting yourself back out there or getting over it faster, just know that your desire to be…
Read MoreWhat is the concept of attachment? Attachment refers to the emotional bond that connects an individual to something or someone—a friend, family member, or partner. The psychological theory of attachment (John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth) identifies four styles of attachment, and most people fall into one of these four categories. How do attachment styles impact me? Understanding your attachment style, and your partner’s will help you better communicate your needs and recognize the needs of your partner.…
Read MoreMany of my clients experience a lot of stress at work which leads to feeling burned out and less satisfied with their job. Many of these clients are in the “helping field” whether they are nurses, doctors, child life specialists, social workers, police officers, nannies, firefighters, military, veterinarians, human resources, ministers, teachers, physical and occupational therapists, or maybe even a counselor like myself, just to name a few. Those who choose a path in the helping field…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner You’ve been in therapy for months, but something doesn’t feel right. After much deliberation, you realize that the problem might be your therapist. Many people have chosen to end their relationship with their therapist and begin working with a different therapist for the sake of their treatment. But how do you know when it’s time to call it quits? Consider these four signs that it might be time to break up with…
Read MoreAndrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC As we age, it can become increasingly difficult to meet new people and make new friends. If we are lucky, we hold onto some older friendships, but as real-life circumstances change (work, marriage, parenthood, etc.), we can find ourselves less engaged with our social circle. The solution to this problem would seem obvious: meet new people! But this is not as easy as it might seem. In my work as a therapist, one…
Read MoreShannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Audio Version Perfectionism is a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable. However, perfectionism can be viewed as a motivator for wanting to achieve one’s best and in turn can cause despair if you are unable to be the best. When perfectionism goes beyond the need to achieve high-standards to become distressing is where therapy can be helpful to understand those thought patterns and behaviors, in addition to identifying positive…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling If you have ever felt depressed and experienced a lack of motivation, you have probably been told at some point to go take a walk, hang out with friends, or “just go do something.” It also isn’t news to you that just “doing something” is so much easier said than done. When you feel depressed, it isn’t that you don’t want to do things, it is that getting motivated to…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Have you ever felt like someone was rude, judged, or criticized you and it just ruined your day? You may spend the rest of the day thinking to yourself, “What did I do to deserve that?”, “Did I do something wrong?”, “Why did they treat me like that?”. While the statement “Don’t take it personally” is said often in these situations, it is much more difficult to think about as…
Read MoreSeeing your loved one struggling with an addiction is very difficult for not only you but everyone else around you, including the individual who is addicted. Assuring that your loved one who is struggling with an addiction is the first step, but then for everyone who may be involved in their lives to also seek support. Family therapy can be beneficial for everyone so everyone can understand the addiction and identify ways to help and support. This…
Read MoreWe live in a society where many different people are walking their own paths of adversity and also resilience. I come across many clients who have truly struggled in their lives and are searching for the guidance and coping skills to overcome their adversities. Individuals who are searching for these skills truly exhibit something most people strive for: resilience. A recent Medium article titled, “Resilience: How to Rescue Yourself from Adversity,” discussed this very topic that I…
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