Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC There are many different reasons why people seek out therapy. Maybe there are things going on in your life right now that are causing you to feel anxious and stressed, or maybe there are some hurts from your past that you haven’t healed from yet. Some people come to therapy hoping to learn more about themselves, while others see it as a way to work on a relationship that is struggling. Whatever the…
Read MoreBy: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC You may have read part one to this blog series, which began discussing the detrimental nature of negative thinking and offering interventions and suggestions for getting out of the unhealthy spiral. Below are some continued things that you can do to work against this corrupt thought process. Release Judgment All human beings have the tendency to judge others, as well as themselves – and this usually happens unconsciously. When we are…
Read MoreI work with many clients who have been discussing in recent sessions feeling a sense of lower self-esteem related to putting on some extra pounds since March related to the pandemic. At this point in time, it has been about 5 months since our lives have been adjusting to the chaos of the pandemic, and gaining a few extra pounds has been quite common for many of my clients and myself included! I recently read an article…
Read MoreMegan Mulroy, LPC The other day I was speaking with a friend who was going through some pretty heavy feelings and experiencing a very distressing depressed mood. After describing what was going on for her, she looked at me and said something to the affect of, “It must be nice to know how to handle this all.” I almost laughed! I was currently going through some of my own stuff, unbeknownst to her. In reality, I was…
Read MoreKaitlin Broderick LCPC For the majority of people, our childhood and how we were raised have a direct impact on our relationship with money as adults. Beliefs about money that we learned in childhood such as “there is never enough” or “you need to value everything you own” can follow us into adulthood and can induce feelings of guilt about throwing things out that we no longer have use for. What some people don’t realize is that…
Read MoreOvertime, society has developed the mindset that anger is something that is bad and should be avoided. This mindset can lead many individuals to believe they have an anger or anger management problem leading to feelings of shame and anxiety. Contrary to what we may believe, anger is not actually a problem and viewing it as such can actually make things worse. Anger, like any emotion, is part of the human experience and is just as valid…
Read MoreCourage may seem like a strange area to discuss in relation to mental health. However, courage presents itself every day and various capacities and can help us conquer life’s challenges. In today’s world, simply getting out of bed, calling up a friend, or making it through the day can be an act of courage. As the rate of mental health struggles rises, whether due to COVID-19 or other life challenges, asking for help and support is an…
Read MoreAs we are at home more often lately and working from home, I have noticed my anxiety increase along with some of my clients. I struggle with anxiety and not being able to see friends and have to plan outings such as grocery shopping has increased my anxiety. So what is triggering your anxiety lately? Continue reading to find common triggers for peoples triggers. Health Issues I think right now we are seeing a lot of anxiety…
Read MoreIf you read my last blog post titled, Simple Stress Guide Part 1, referencing The New York Times article, “How to Be Better at Stress” by author Tara Parker-Pope, you may be wondering about the additional tips about how to better manage stress. Below are the remaining key points from Tara’s article touching about tips and tricks on how to manage stress better. Body Movement. As mentioned in the first part of this blog post, moving your…
Read MoreBy: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC The downward spiral of negative thinking can be incredibly powerful. We’ve all been there and descended into a damaging thought pattern we don’t want to be in. Many of my clients struggle with this and once they go down the rabbit hole of negative thought patterns, they aren’t sure how to get themselves out. Naturally, this leads to an undesirable mood and feelings of being stuck. Often, it can be helpful…
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