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By: Andrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC, Symmetry Counseling, Chicago There is a difference between guilt and remorse. Let’s say I have done something that goes against my own value system, something that I consider to be bad. I have the choice (yes, it is a choice) to either make myself feel guilty or make myself feel remorseful about it. While on the surface, the two emotions may seem synonymous, the difference is potentially between internalizing the unhealthy negative…
Read MoreIt is no surprise to anyone that the recent election has shown us what a divided country we are. This election felt incredibly personal to so many people, and when something feels close to our hearts, our emotions are on the line. Dialoguing about contrasting political views can often be filled with emotion and defensiveness. Many of my clients in individual and couples therapy have spent time discussing how to talk to family members with opposing political…
Read MoreIt is becoming increasingly more common and more accepted to date and marry someone from outside of your faith and cultural background. Thanks to living in large cities and urban areas, such as Chicago, we are now exposed to different types of people with diverse backgrounds and upbringings more than ever before. Not only are we more exposed to different types of people around us, but we are also more likely to date them and even marry…
Read MoreMany people believe that if they were to make more money, have a nicer car or larger house, be in a relationship, have more friends, be more attractive or lose weight, have a different job, live somewhere else, and on and on, then they would finally be happy. But this is a false belief and even if obtained, will never truly bring happiness. Yes, it might result in temporary joy or happiness, but it will not be…
Read MoreWhen I first started out as a therapist, a good part of the work I did was with children and adolescents, which I still continue to do today. Providing therapy to children and adolescents comes with its own set of struggles and barriers, in comparison to working with adults, but one common issue I frequently saw was the belief by parents that if their child or children were in therapy it meant they were failures as parents…
Read MoreDating has become more accessible than ever. The majority of single people have many options when it comes to dating due to the increasing popularity of dating websites and apps as well as people in large cities waiting longer to settle down and get married. However, with the higher accessibility, and therefore frequency in dates, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay authentic to who you are and what you are looking for when your dating…
Read More“You want me to budget for “fun” money? But I am supposed to be paying off all of my debt, how is that going to help me reach my goal?” In my work as a Financial Therapist, that is typically the response I receive from clients when I tell them they need to add in spending for “fun,” spending for themselves, or spending for things they enjoy or want to do/buy. This may seem counterintuitive when one…
Read MoreHaving close friendships is one of the healthiest and most important parts of living a meaningful and fulfilling life. When we have close people who we can rely on for emotional support or can call after we have had a rough day, it makes everything feel more manageable. No matter how tough of a time you are having, if you have a close circle of people who you have your back, you are less likely to feel…
Read MoreMost of us are busy people. We juggle full time and demanding jobs, taking care of our homes and families, trying to spend time partners and loved ones, all while trying to get at least 8 hours a sleep a night and squeeze in some exercise somewhere in the bustle. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. On top of our busy schedules, we are also constantly bombarded with messages from the media and our culture that tells…
Read MoreValentine’s Day can be one of the most anxiety-provoking holidays of the year because couples and singles put too much pressure on themselves to do something extra special and fulfilling, and one day or event often cannot live up to those expectations. People want to feel loved, cared for, and appreciated. But how can one date or one gift show all of that? What if you just started dating someone, how do you acknowledge the holiday? If…
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