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For mothers, similar to those in relationships on Valentine’s Day, there can be a lot of expectations for Mother’s Day. There are hopes of breakfast in bed, partners taking over household tasks, cards and flowers, and kids trying to be extra good that day. It feels great to be appreciated by those who depend on you for so much. Mothers deserve this kind of admiration, and it can be disappointing not to receive it.
Read MoreDepression is an issue that we are all too familiar with and hear about often in our culture. Recent studies suggest that nearly one tenth of the U.S. population has suffered from depression at one point in their lifetime. It is a pervasive issue, and so the primary symptoms of depression are known by most of us. We have a basic understanding that feeling sad, blue, hopeless, and unmotivated for a long period of time are some…
Read MoreBehavior plans are commonly thought of as something specifically for children with ADHD, but they can actually be useful for any child with behavior problems or difficulty focusing on or remembering tasks. A behavior plan is basically a system of requirements and rewards- if your child performs the required tasks, then they can earn something of value to them. The point of this is that you focus on and reward the positive behaviors your child displays while ignoring the negative ones that you would like to stop.
Read MoreBeing single is often looked at as a problem to be fixed. It has a negative connotation and is referred to as “being alone”. When you tell people you’re not in a relationship they automatically start listing off their single friends they could set you up with, or tell you “things will get better”. It is assumed that if you’re single, you must not be happy. And maybe you’re not. Being single can be hard- there’s no…
Read MoreIn addition to rising temperatures, rainy days, and budding flowers, springtime also marks the start of wedding season. Couples are in the midst of planning the final details of their nuptials, attending to each element of the wedding day with care and consideration. It is an exciting time, to be sure. While preparing to create the perfect wedding celebration for you and your guests is laudable, it is even more important, perhaps, for you and your to-be…
Read MoreAn unhealthy phenomenon in many long-term intimate relationships is the tendency to keep score. It is not so much keeping score that is the problem but that when partners do keep score, they tend to unfairly focus on the negative. Rarely in couple therapy, my line of work, do I hear couples delineate all the good, loving, or wonderful things that their partners did in a certain week. Most often, I hear a list of all the…
Read MoreThere are toxic people in all of our lives, whether we are close to them or not. “Toxic” means someone who hurts you more than they help you, and tends to subtract from your life rather than add to it. This can be friends, family members, significant others, or even bosses or coworkers.
Read MoreHaving a bad day? Fed up with a part of your life? Feeling angry with a loved one? It’s understandable that you may be suffering from negativity and in a bad mood. The problem is, not only does this bad mood affect you- it also affects those around you. When you’re feeling down and disgruntled, you may unintentionally take this out on others. For example, maybe you started the day with spilling your coffee all over the…
Read MoreLike women suffer as a result of society’s Madonna-whore complex, I believe that men also experience a contradictory prejudice—something of a “hero-wimp” complex. Men are expected to be strong, infallible, and stoic. When we think of a good dad, we imagine him playing sports, fixing the plumbing and chasing our ex-boyfriends with a shotgun. But women also desperately want men to be emotional—which contradicts this desire for a “hero”. We say, “ I want you to be…
Read MoreMindfulness is to psychology as CrossFit is to exercise. It is a current popular trend that leads to positive results, and you have probably heard or read about it before. Practicing mindfulness techniques allows you to be a better, more regulated, calmer, and focused individual. Mindfulness can also significantly improve your relationships. Here is a brief overview of mindfulness and how it is beneficial for intimate relationships. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is presence. The essence of mindfulness…
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