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Therapy Chicago Archives


Why Do I Feel Anxious While Exercising?

August 16, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Isn’t exercise supposed to be a good thing? You are constantly being told by doctors, loved ones, therapists, and the media that you need to exercise in order to receive a variety of health and psychological benefits. If this is true (and it is) then why is exercise causing you to feel anxious? Physical Reactions. Your body’s natural reaction to exercise can be similar to your body’s reaction to anxiety. These similar physical…

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Strengthen Your Relationships with Attachment Exercises

August 14, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Would you like to feel closer to someone in your life? Attachment exercises can help. There is overwhelming research regarding the importance of developing secure attachments, as your relationships have a direct impact on your physical and psychological health. Whether it be a significant other, a child, a friend, or a family member, having and maintaining secure attachments in your relationships is a key ingredient to your wellbeing. Try these attachment exercises to…

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What to Say (and What Not to Say) to Someone Who's Grieving the Loss of a Pet

August 12, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR The death of my dog, Sandy, impacted me more than the death of my father, and someday I will heavily grieve the loss of my cat, Mr. Bojangles. I will need the people in my life to express understanding, acceptance, and support. The last thing I’ll need is for these people to pass judgment, minimize my grief, or try to fix it. Be Curious. Too often people view grieving the loss of a…

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Healing Your Health

August 6, 2019
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There seems to be a lot of hype and news coverage recently about using a holistic and mind-body connection approach in taking care of our health and bodies. As a therapist, I have the privilege of working with clients who cope with chronic pain from migraine headaches and limited or decreased breathing capacity caused by stress. These individuals struggle with migraine headaches and feel debilitated from coping with these ever present-headaches. The individuals who struggle with compromised…

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3 Ways to Get Back to Your Dreams

August 2, 2019
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It’s not just a conversation with friends anymore. You finally have that plan together to achieve those future hopes and dreams that have been on your heart since you were twelve. Unfortunately, a felt sense of doom is already flowing through you, indicating another battle will be lost. You thought, “this time was going to be different,” and even with some expert advice, you still “feel stuck.” What you might be experiencing are common setbacks that are…

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“How Do You Remember That?”

July 28, 2019
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For me, it often happens out of nowhere. I’ll be working on something or listening to music on the train, and something triggers a memory. The memory could be from 10 days ago, or 15 years ago, but I find myself paying attention to that memory for a while, wondering where it came from and if anyone else remembers it. When it’s a memory that includes someone else, I will often reach out to them and ask,…

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Getting Unstuck From Our Stories

July 24, 2019

Steven Topper, LCPC We’ve all seen this Dad before: It’s the 1950’s, he comes home from work where his family is waiting, and everyone follows his orders. That’s because this man demands respect. We could venture to guess that in his constant quest to fulfill the story I Must Be Respected, he probably actually feels respected very little in his life. Constantly reaching to be respected, seldom feeling respected. And yet, this story colors every interaction with…

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Becoming Positive: 8 Tools for Building Happiness

July 18, 2019

Life is not always easy. When we experience struggles and suffering, our psyche feels it too. Adverse events take a toll on our mental health and challenge our ability to cope; our inability to cope can get us stuck in a cycle of pessimism and constant stress. We will all experience darker, gloomier days throughout our lifetime. One of the most challenging things about being stuck under a “rainy cloud” for a period of time is figuring…

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Satisfaction v. Perfection

July 17, 2019
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From a very young age, children are taught to strive to be the best. Not the best versions of themselves but the best. Period. As they get older, teachers, parents, and society puts immense pressure on individuals to get straight As, excel at standardized testing, participate in extra-curricular activities, volunteer, and then, just maybe you’ll get into a good college. Once in college the pressure starts again. Get straight As, find great summer internships, participate in a…

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Tone of Voice

July 12, 2019
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Rick Hanson, Ph.D, discusses the importance tone of voice has on effective communication in an article on Psychology Today. Understanding the impact our personal emotions can have on how we communicate and the tone of voice we use is vital to engaging in pleasant and constructive conversations with people. Individuals are incredibly sensitive to other’s tone of voice more so than the words being said. Imagine speaking to your dog asking them if they want a treat…

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