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Marriage Counseling Chicago Archives


3 Factors That Can Impact Your Libido

June 12, 2018
3 Factors That Can Impact Your Libido 5af31989baafa

We all receive mixed and unhelpful messages about sex. Whether it’s a commercial on TV, an article in a magazine, or your friend who is especially prone to giving unsolicited advice, we all experience it. What is especially unhelpful and potentially harmful about these messages, is that it leaves many of us feeling broken, that there’s something wrong with us, or that having a sexless relationship is inevitable over time. I often hear from couples I work…

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The Invalidation of “But”

May 30, 2018

When discussing things with others, have you heard phrases such as “I know that you’re upset, but I told you to do this several times” or “I’m not trying to be rude, but that shirt does not look good on you,” or “I understand what you are saying, but I do not agree with you.” If you have heard these phrases, what kind of thoughts do you have? Do you feel that the other person is hearing…

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Pre-Wedding Stress In Your Relationship

May 11, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling For many people, their wedding day is a day they have imagined for their entire lives. The flowers, the cake, the dress, and the person they are going to share their life are things they have envisioned for years. While the wedding planning period may seem fun and exciting, it is also a time filled with immense stressors that can have a negative effect on your relationship. Some of these…

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5 Secrets to Satisfying Sex With Your Spouse

April 29, 2018

While things with your partner may have started out quite steamy, it’s difficult to sustain passion over the years. As dedicated as you are to your spouse, it’s hard to maintain that same level of sexual satisfaction after a long time making love to the same person. This is an issue that often brings couples in for our marriage counseling services, and fortunately, years of experience in counseling, as well as the most recent empirical research, have…

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Active Listening: What Does It Mean?

April 14, 2018

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling We are told that “actively listening” to our significant others will help us connect and communicate with them more effectively. You may think you are a great listener, but the truth is most of us don’t listen as well as we could to those we care about. But what does it mean to “actively listen” to someone? Active listening is a model that includes building rapport and trust with another…

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3 Important Factors When Healing from Infidelity

April 2, 2018
3 Important Factors When Healing From Infidelity 5ab2b3e53c4fe

One of the most common reasons individuals and couples attend therapy is to heal from infidelity and decide if trust can be regained in the relationship. Statistics tell us that the majority of people will experience infidelity at some point in their relationships, and yet, it still remains a very taboo topic loaded with a whole lot of shame and secrecy. While every couple is different and infidelity can come in many different forms, there are some…

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Navigating your Relationship Through a Rough Patch

March 24, 2018
Navigating Your Relationship Through a Rough Patch 5ab2b6400248c

Maintaining a happy and healthy relationship requires work and can be a challenge in even the most successful couples. Over time, playfulness, love notes, and cuddling might become replaced with button-pushing, sarcasm, and a lack of appreciation. While every couple is unique in their strengths and challenges, there are things any couple can to do breathe new life into your relationship. Try to: Talk it out. It is easy to recognize when a relationship is having trouble,…

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3 Important Factors When Healing from Infidelity

March 15, 2018
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One of the most common reasons individuals and couples attend therapy is to heal from infidelity and decide if trust can be regained in the relationship. Statistics tell us that the majority of people will experience infidelity at some point in their relationships, and yet, it still remains a very taboo topic loaded with a whole lot of shame and secrecy. While every couple is different and infidelity can come in many different forms, there are some…

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Embrace Your “Single Self” in Your Relationship

March 13, 2018
Embracing Your Single Self In Your Relationship 5a958724b65f0

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling What does being single mean to you? It may be getting back to the gym to look your best, going out on the weekends with friends, grabbing drinks after work with co-workers, going on dates, or starting a new hobby. Often when we get into relationships, we tend to get consumed in our new partner and may even begin to lose sight of our single selves in the process. The…

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Contempt Can Be Poisonous to Your Relationship

March 7, 2018
BlogBeauty SymmetryCounseling Contempt 5a8ef1b4c97ef

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling According to marriage researcher and author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman, contempt is found to be the most damaging element in a relationship and the number-one predictor of divorce. This finding can be jarring to read as many people have a difficult time understanding what contempt is and may be unaware that it is present in their relationship. Contempt is described by Dr. Gottman…

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