Divorce Archives
“Half of all marriages or more will end in divorce!” is the cry heard throughout our country since the 1970’s. Census polls tell us that over half of all marriages end in divorce — not a romantic concept for most couples. Many blame the cultural influence of the hopeless romantic and happily-ever-after model of marriage portrayed in Hollywood; others note the significance in marrying for love rather than necessity, a cultural shift from decades and centuries ago.…
Read MoreIf you’re considering divorce or have already made the difficult decision to divorce in Illinois, you’re probably aware that there are many options available to you. You can choose to hire an attorney and head to court. You can choose collaborative divorce or to try to do it yourself. Or, you can choose mediation. But, exactly what is divorce mediation? And more importantly, how does it benefit you to use it? What is divorce mediation? Divorce mediation…
Read MoreCouples too often split soon after infidelity, before considering alternatives or attempting to repair the relationship. (Continue reading … )
Read MoreOriginally Posted on Divorcing Dad Council on July 25th, 2013. Contributed by Dr. Anne Malec as a guest writer. If you are a separated or divorced dad trying to regain your balance after an emotionally painful legal process, you likely have not even considered the new opportunities for growth that lie ahead of you. What I am referring to is the potential you have to build upon and strengthen the relationship you have with your kids. As…
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