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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


How can you tell if your partner is depressed?

March 27, 2014

Maybe you’ve noticed something different in your partner. He or she may be acting sadder than usual, may not be taking pleasure in the things that he or she usually enjoys, or may even be talking about death a lot. It could be your partner just down in the dumps, or these symptoms could be pointing to something much more serious – depression. While it’s normal to be sad, especially when there’s loss involved, depression is a…

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Ending the comparison game

March 4, 2014

For most of us, from a young age we are taught – either directly or indirectly – that we know we are good, right, or valuable if our actions or personal characteristics are in line with those around us. We compare ourselves against classmates and co-workers, social and cultural norms, what is portrayed in the media, and based on what our family legacies tell us we ought to do or who we should be. Sometimes, these comparisons…

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Expectations vs. Reality: Staying Connected in the Disconnection

October 21, 2013

We all build our lives around a variety of expectations. Societal pressures, cultural norms, and even family values shape who we think we ought to be and the life we ought to have. We say to ourselves (consciously or unconsciously), “I should be in a relationship by now,” or “I should be able to do this (work, parenting, etc.) better,” and even, “My husband should know what I want even when I do not say something about…

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Steps to Practicing Mindfulness

October 15, 2013

Do you have worry thoughts that create anxiety? Do your emotions get in the way of communicating or effective decision making? Do you live in the past or the future? Do you act impulsively? Is it difficult for you to focus on tasks because your mind wanders? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, mindfulness can help. What is mindfulness? It is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment,…

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What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

August 2, 2013

Do you ever experience troubling thoughts? Ever feel a sense of panic or anxiety? Do you ever have a feeling of worthlessness or other depressive thoughts? Do these thoughts feel as though they are the absolute truth? Do those thoughts lead to self-destructive behaviors? With the help of a therapist using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) you can challenge those beliefs. While working with a therapist utilizing CBT you will examine the relationships between your thoughts, feelings, and…

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Signs of Depression and Treatments Available

July 23, 2013

Do you feel sad, unhappy, and unusually irritated or frustrated? Are you having difficulty sleeping or feel fatigued during the day? Are you having trouble concentrating, remembering things, and making decisions? Have you lost interest in aspects of your life that typically excite you and bring you pleasure? We all have bad days, but when these kinds of problems persist for weeks on end and interfere with daily life, they may be signs of depression. For some,…

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