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Chicago Counselor Archives


Is Exercise Always a Stress Reliever?

September 5, 2021

Individuals with busy schedules including work, school, family obligations and social plans, may not have the time to engage in movement throughout the week. It can be difficult to fit in other forms of self-care, including exercise. In the past, exercise has been a stress reliever for me, but it can also become an issue if it is the only stress reliever. I spent a lot of time redefining my relationship with exercise, to make sure I…

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How to Have a Happier, Healthier Marriage

September 4, 2021
How to Have a Happier Healthier Marriage

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Most of us imagine a lovely, romance-filled future ahead of us when we say “I do”!  However, once the honeymoon is over and we return to a life of work, paying bills, caring for children, and simply getting by, we may find ourselves asking, “What became of my happily ever after? I no longer recognize this person anymore!” But there are things you can do to keep the fire burning in your marriage.…

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How Does Social Media Impact Your Relationship?

September 3, 2021

Social media has taken the world by storm since the introduction of Six Degrees in 1997 (what a throwback!). Since then, the emergence of Myspace, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, etc. dominate our daily phone use. Across the globe, it is estimated that the average individual spends at least 136 minutes per day on social media apps (Statista, 2018). Fun fact, Facebook is the most commonly uses social media site in the world! With so much time…

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How Do I Deal with a Bad Roommate?

September 2, 2021
How Do I Deal with a Bad Roommate

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC  No roommate is going to be perfect. Even with the ones that seem great on paper, you’re still likely to encounter some problems. So, how do you handle roommate conflicts? Should you leave a passive-aggressive note? Tempting, I know, but there are better ways to deal with roommate problems. Yablonski (2020) offers 9 tips to help you learn how to deal with a bad roommate.     Set rules and boundaries. One of…

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How Can I Stay Curious In My Long-Term Relationship?

September 1, 2021

Andrew D. Castillo, LCSW, MSW When we first start a new relationship, we are full of curiosity. What are this person’s interests?  What are their goals? What makes them tick? We are so eager to learn about this amazing new person, and are driven to constantly ask questions. Overtime, however, we see that driven curiosity start to ebb. Especially in long-term relationships, we may assume after a time, that we truly know everything about our partners. This…

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How Can I Reduce Stress Within the Work Environment? Part 2

August 31, 2021
Reduce Stress Within the Work Environment

Welcome back to part 2 of this blog post! As discussed in part 1, the return back to working from an office is quickly approaching, many of us have already started this transition, and all of us have mixed emotions around this transition. If you’re someone feeling overwhelmed, stressed and even anxious about returning to the office and leaving your sweatpants behind, you’re not alone. This has been a transformative year for all of us, shifting our…

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Feeling Anxious About a Post-COVID Life? You’re Not Alone

July 10, 2021

Megan Mulroy, LPC            As vaccines become more readily available, there has definitely been a shift in behaviors and attitudes around COVID-19. Recently, we were cleared to be outside without a mask if you’ve been vaccinated, and bars and restaurants have increased capacity for indoor dining. People are once again able to hug their friends and families, go to small parties, and even travel.  Although these changes are really exciting, they are massive transitions.  I’ve noticed a…

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How Can I Connect With My Intuition?

June 19, 2021
How Can I Connect with my Intuition

Jessica Pontis, LCSW            One thing I see time and time again as a clinician is the anxious mind of my client’s taking over, struggling to recognize and accept their wants and needs.  Instinctually we know what we don’t want, we don’t want pain, disappointment, sadness, all the things that make life seem less enjoyable.  Oppositely, we aim to fill our lives with joy, meaningful connection, goodness, and fulfillment.  The question is, how do we recognize the…

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6 Simple Strategies to Sustain Your At-Home Wellness Routine

June 18, 2021

Steven Losardo, AMFT   You may be wondering how to sustain a wellness routine at home. The good news is that it is achievable with commitment and accountability. If you are a remote worker, you may have already settled into a wellness routine during the pandemic. Many people have successfully taken up fitness programs at home, and utilized their home environment for their wellness routine. If sustaining a wellness routine is something you struggle with, don’t despair;…

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Is Looking Back Helpful or Hurtful?

May 2, 2021

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW Goodbye you terrible, rotten, no good, very bad year! 2020, you won’t be missed. As we come to the end of the year it can be fun and useful to look back and think about your experiences and what you have learned. There are, however, a lot of traps that lie in taking a look back like this. The dangers that are present for reflecting like this are that we can often be very…

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