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postpartum depression


Do You Listen to Others Openly?

November 14, 2018
BB Do You Listen to Others Openly 5bd3871dbded1

When we are listening to someone talk, we sometimes tend to day dream and not listen to what they are saying due to many reasons. We tend to get bored, or not agree with what they are saying, and then we tend to go into our own thoughts. Often enough, that individual might as us a question about what they said, and we are unable to answer back because we have not actually been listening. Active listening…

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Making The Most of Your Time After Work

November 12, 2018
Making The Most of Your Time After Work 5bd0d5b8ee6bb

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling You have worked all day, commuted home, made dinner, did some cleaning up around the house, and you feel exhausted. Chances are you probably then hang out on the couch, watch some TV, or scroll through social media on your phone until bed. When you repeat this routine every day of the week, it can feel like all you have done is work and did nothing for yourself. The reality…

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Racing Thoughts Keeping You Awake? Use Boredom to Your Advantage

November 11, 2018
Racing Thoughts Keeping You Awake Use Boredom to Your Advantage 5bec68f50d7f4

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Your mood, health, and productivity are directly connected to your ability to sleep. But what if you’re having trouble getting to sleep because of racing thoughts? Racing thoughts are thoughts you experience that just won’t stop, especially at night. They might be worries, lists of what you need to do tomorrow, ideas about financial planning, future goals, or anything else that’s difficult to stop thinking about. These thoughts can prevent you from falling…

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Why Following Your Passions Is Important for Your Mental Health

November 8, 2018
Why Following Your Passions Is Important for Your Mental Health 5bd0d552b618f

Many of my clients discuss a lack of satisfaction within their jobs. Through talking to them, I can help uncover why they aren’t finding meaning in their career. For some, their career was chosen simply to pay their bills and provide for their family, which is why they may not be fully happy; they feel contempt for their current position and are simply looking to add more value to their day-to-day lives. Others are unsure and looking…

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Three Tips to Breaking Your Conflict Cycle

November 7, 2018
Three Tips to Breaking Your Conflict Cycle 5be35134d986d

Have you noticed that the conflicts in your relationships tend to be fought the same way? Whether the conflict is with your parent, your sibling, your friend, or your partner, you often will fight with them the same way every single time. This is not surprising, because when couples begin to engage in conflict behavior with one another, usually they will fall into a cycle. Understand Your Pattern Our conflict cycles often begin with a trigger. The…

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Holding Yourself Accountable

November 6, 2018
Holding Yourself Accountable 5bd0d50ac57f2

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Throughout life, we challenge ourselves and create goals to improve our physical and mental health. While our intentions are good, it can feel impossible to hold ourselves accountable as we try to meet the goals we know will make us better. For example, many people make the decision to eat healthier or incorporate meditation into their morning routine. It may feel tolerable for a week or so, but eventually many…

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Do you Suffer from Seasonal Depression?

November 2, 2018
Do you Suffer from Seasonal Depression 5bd0d4967caaa

Many people have heard of the condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), characterized by a depressed mood that onsets in fall and winter. SAD is not (any longer) a distinct diagnosis, but is now a commonly used term to describe a very real condition, depression with a seasonal pattern. Winter is the most common season for this, so with fall upon us and winter quickly approaching, perhaps it is helpful to take a closer look at what…

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Embracing The Single Life

October 28, 2018
Embracing The Single Life 5bd0d435efc66

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling We tend to grow up believing our fairy tale, other half, or soulmate is going to come into our lives exactly when we want them to. The truth is, we don’t know when someone special is going to enter our lives. For many of us, there will be a lot of swiping, bad dates, heartbreak, and rejection before we find a strong connection with someone. This means that you could…

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“Genie, You are Free": Ways to Help a Loved One Get Help

October 24, 2018
Genie 5bd7304d9fd86

The recent mural to honor the Late Robin Williams in Chicago has made news, and of course, many emotions. This has been bringing back memories of  his cause of death, along with other celebrities who passed in 2018 due to suicide. Often, we have friends or family members who are going through a difficult time (or even ourselves), and this can lead to thoughts of suicide. It’s important to recognize the signs of someone who is struggling,…

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9 Negative Thinking Patterns and How to Stop Them

October 20, 2018
9 Negative Thinking Patterns 5bd73198cecc8

I work with many clients who struggle with their anxiety. To assess where the client’s anxiety is stemming from, I help them track their thinking patterns, which can allow the client to start changing those patterns. Doing these types of thought exercises can change their emotions, feelings, and actions; this type of intervention is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It takes a lot of practice to change thinking patterns, and you need to start tapping into your…

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