relationship counseling
Steven Losardo, AMFT Schultheis et al. 2010 note that you may divert attention, give excuses, or justify when not being accountable for something you have done or are still doing. In a committed relationship, this often results in arguments or conflicts and, if not addressed, perpetual gridlock (Gottman, 2017). This blog will review a couple exercises that help highlight places where you have not been accountable or need help developing accountability, if not present. For the blog’s…
Read MoreBy: Ashlee Stumpf, LPC While working in a men’s group for the past four years, I have heard of numerous hardships. One which continues to strike me is the number of these men who had suicidal thoughts or made previous attempts to take their own life. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. As a result, much study has been done…
Read MoreIt’s no secret that our mindset tends to dictate the way we interpret experiences throughout our lives. If we’re in a good mood we typically look on the bright side of things. Find the positives wherever we can. If we’re in a bad mood, everything’s terrible and nothing is going our way. During my sessions with clients, I find myself frequently discussing how we can shift our perspective. How we perceive things affects how we feel and…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC Are you the type of person who tries their best to be respectful and show compassion and concern towards others when they need it? Maybe you’re too pleasing most of the time. Or maybe you really connect with the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” But how often is it that you cater to others, but they often don’t return the favor? Learning to stand up…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC There are many different ways that you can express your love to someone, as well as different ways that you might want to receive love. Not everyone speaks the same language. According to Gary Chapman there are actually five different love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch (Chapman, 1995). Having a different love language from your partner can sometimes be difficult to navigate and cause…
Read MoreKaitlin Broderick LCPC Every relationship is unique in its own way, however, there are certain stages of intimate relationships that many couples navigate through. Relationship experts the Gottman’s found through their work with couples certain stages that most intimate relationships go through. Each stage can either bring the couple closer together or push the couple further apart. The first phase of a relationship is known as the honeymoon stage. This is the phase of a relationship where…
Read MoreSteven Losardo, AMFT This blog will review why one should seriously consider the potential impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on one’s partner before having an affair. Adding the context of a hypothetical situation, suppose you know a couple married for 20 years and who have two children. You consider their relationship to be sound and appreciate their positive perspective. That said, you realize that while they are both happy, there is less fondness and admiration over…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC “A hurtful act is the transference to others of the degradation which we bear in ourselves” – Simone Weil Put simply, transference is the idea that clients will bring residual feelings or issues from past relationships and transfer or project them onto the counselor in the current therapeutic relationship. Clients interact with and react to people and situations in a way that reveals patterns from their past. It is through this process of projection that…
Read MoreBridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Life is all about the connections we make and the relationships we sustain that bring joy and happiness into our lives. One of the most important relationships we will have is the one with the person that we choose to spend the rest of our life with. Choosing a life partner is difficult, and following and having trust within your own path with this is key. You’re not late, you’re not early,…
Read MoreBy: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC My clientele ranges from age eighteen to people in their forties and fifties, so romantic relationships come up in just about every session. The dating world can be confusing, and many clients wonder what to do when they are ready for the next step, but the partner fails to commit and wants to wait and see how and where it goes. Navigating Romantic Relationships: What If They Aren’t Certain About a…
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