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Mary-Lauren O’Crowley


Impostor Syndrome: What Is It and How Can I Manage It?

February 1, 2022

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Look at some of your most significant achievements. Are you satisfied with your accomplishments? Alternatively, do you believe you are a phony? What emotions do you experience with each raise, promotion, or award? Perhaps it’s accompanied by an apprehension that your luck will run out and everyone will find out that you are not as talented as they believe? Many people suffer from self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. You are not alone if you…

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What is Cognitive Processing Therapy?

December 31, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  CPT or Cognitive Processing Therapy is a type of behavioral therapy that focuses specifically on patients who are survivors of trauma. This may include child abuse, domestic abuse, rape, natural disasters, major accidents, combat, among others. What is Cognitive Processing Therapy and How Does it Help in The Treatment of Trauma?  This particular therapeutic process is conducted for an average of 12 sessions and gradually helps the patients to address the root of their trauma and the…

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What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

December 8, 2021
What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC It is highly likely that you have heard of or referred to someone as a narcissist. This label is often synonymous with selfishness and a lack of compassion for others. In fact, there is even a popular Greek myth about a man named Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection, which ultimately led to his demise. But how common is narcissism really and what are its roots?  Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a…

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What is EMDR Therapy?

December 7, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is an interactive therapy founded by Francine Shapiro back in 1987. Unlike traditional psychotherapy models, EMDR is nontraditional psychotherapy rooted in mindfulness and non-judgmental awareness, resulting in transformative healing. EMDR is one of the treatment modalities that follows the adaptive information processing (AIP) model. According to AIP, people with PTSD have disturbing thoughts that remain unprocessed over time. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), trauma, negative thoughts, and maladaptive behaviors result from unprocessed memories. In most cases, people fear processing such thoughts because of the high…

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What Is Procrastination And How Do I Manage It?

December 6, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  The act of delaying and putting off tasks without any apparent reason is known as procrastination. Tasks may be delayed until the last minute or even when their deadline has already passed. People may feel as though they are delaying doing their work unnecessarily. For example, an individual may have an assignment pending, but instead of doing the actual work, they decide to waste your time on the internet. While they often fully acknowledge the…

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What Is Inner Child Work?

December 5, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC It does not matter how old we are, we all carry with us an inner child. Now that may sound a bit funny, but simply put, the inner child is the embodiment of the core beliefs we internalized about ourselves in childhood, many of which are negative or untrue. In childhood, we begin to form ideas and perceptions of the world around us based on our interactions with our primary caregivers. For a…

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What Is Career Counseling?

December 4, 2021
Career counseling

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Career counseling is a subset of professional mental health counseling that aims to help you navigate career choices. Whether you are attempting to enter the job market, changing careers, or at any stage in your career, a professional career counselor can offer valuable advice and various options. Job stress is associated with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and other mental health issues. Career counseling can help you in coping with such stress. Career Counseling: What Is It…

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What Is The Difference between Stress and Anxiety?

November 11, 2021
stress and anxiety

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  What’s the real difference between stress and anxiety? As close as they may seem, they greatly differ, as stress is characterized by external short- or long-term triggers. When we undergo stress, it can cause both mental and physical symptoms. Interestingly enough, these symptoms are often overlooked. Some of these symptoms include anger, fatigue, aches and pains, sleep difficulties, and digestive troubles. On the other hand, anxiety is characterized by persistent and overwhelming episodes of worry that are difficult to control, even…

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What Is An Inner Critic and How Can We Silence It

November 10, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  The inner critic is an opinion or inner voice, that has a negative and critical pattern of thoughts about ourselves and others. Inner critics are the distressing and disturbing thoughts or voices that lead to self-destructive and maladaptive behavior. Inner critics are like dialogues in head that only criticizes and notices faults of own self and others. The gushing of self-damaging thoughts makes an anti-self that demoralizes and disheartens the individual from giving…

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Holistic Wellness: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

November 9, 2021
holistic wellness

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC A person’s wellbeing is not only physical but is an integration between physical (body) and mental (mind) health.  There is a strong connection between mind and body. The connection between physical and mental health can be better understood with the help of an example. When you continuously stress over something like job or finances then it can yield stomach problems, muscle pain, and headaches. Similarly, if you have a chronic health problem then it can…

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