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Aging: What is the Difference Between Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence?

March 15, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC  Ever wondered why your grandma tells the same stories over and over again or has difficulty troubleshooting or adapting to new ways? No, it’s not just because she is old and stubborn – there is a cognitive concept behind this. When it comes to intelligence, you may think of the accumulation of facts, but it also encompasses the ability to learn new things. Therapists have different definitions that we use to…

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A Therapist’s Perspective on Digital Dependence: What Does That Mean for My Teen?

March 14, 2021

Emily Ehrens, LMSW, CADC  What is Technology Addiction? Parents often ask the question: “Why won’t my child abstain from staring at their screen?” The truth of the matter is that parents fall guilty to the same standard. Technology addiction includes social networking, surfing the internet, video games, live streaming, and television watching.  Just like any addiction, the goal in treating the emotional, psychological and physiological pain is to create a healthy relationship with the defense. As internet…

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6 Mental Health-Based New Year’s Resolutions

March 13, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC  As we jump into 2020, many people will find themselves focused on New Year’s resolutions and ways they can positively implement change in their lives. It’s collective and cultural – all we will hear about for the next few weeks are New Year’s resolutions.  In doing this, ensure that your resolutions reflect “SMART goals.” Utilizing SMART criteria helps us to be more successful by setting better goals. SMART stands for specific,…

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6 Ways to Nail the (Virtual) Interview

March 12, 2021

Megan Mulroy, LPC The COVID-19 pandemic has caused most jobs to move to online platforms to allow employees to work from home. That means that job interviews have followed suit. Job interviews can be anxiety inducing in the best of times and doing them exclusively virtually adds a new set of challenges. I work with a lot of young professionals trying to advance their careers. Early on in the pandemic, I noticed a trend of people trying…

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What Intentions Do You Want to Bring Into 2021? Part 2

March 11, 2021

If you read my last blog post, “What Intentions Do You Want to Bring Into 2021? Part 1” referencing Gwen Moran’s article from Fast Company, “Habits to drop in 2021- and what to do instead” you may be curious about the remaining five intentions.  Below highlight her remaining key points in her article. I also added some ideas of my own!    Boundaries. For those that have been working completely remote since March of 2020, I have…

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What Intentions Do You Want to Bring Into 2021? Part 1

March 10, 2021

2020 was a rough year, let’s say that again, 2020 was a rough year! Many times, in the month of January, clients are talking about what goals they want to accomplish for the New Year. While I love helping clients set goals, I also think it is important to set intentions. To me, intentions have more of emphasis based on the values you carry in your life and what you what to want to do versus what…

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What Is Psychodrama and Can It Help Me?

March 8, 2021

Jessica Pontis, LCSW            Widely considered to be one the first forms of group therapy, psychodrama is an experiential based treatment that uses action to explore and correct issues that have been identified in the group.  Jacob Levy Moreno, the individual who developed psychodrama as a therapeutic tool, established this tool in the treatment of trauma, substance use, and family issues.  Often one person, the protagonist, is chosen as their issue may represent the main elements of…

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What is the “Understanding Game” and How Can it be Helpful?

March 5, 2021

Kyle Lawell, Licensed Professional Counselor It is common for people in relationships to develop routines and habits that we find familiarity and comfort in. We have Friday movie nights, scheduled Netflix dates, and other ways of connecting that can be incredibly beneficial and meaningful. Similarly, people in relationships slowly develop a cadence in how they communicate and engage with one another. We slowly notice and derive meaning from our partner’s body movement, voice inflexions, hand gestures, pauses…

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What to Say (and Not Say) to Someone Who’s Grieving

March 3, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR  When someone in your life is grieving, you want to support them. Yet, you may not know what to say to them or you might be afraid of saying the wrong thing. Consider these tips when supporting your loved ones who are grieving. Be Curious. Does your love one want to discuss their grieving process with you? You may not know, and that’s ok. Allow them to decide what they need in…

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What’s the Difference Between Having Empathy and Being an Empath?

March 2, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC            Most people have heard of the word empathy, maybe even using it to describe themselves. Empathy is when you are in tune to other people’s feelings and life circumstances. For example, empathy might be when you give an appropriate, understanding response when someone loses their job, or when you show excitement to a friend’s pregnancy announcement—even if you have never been personally impacted by either of those situations.            So, now what…

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