Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Margaret Reynolds


What is My Mind Doing Now?

December 19, 2018
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Maggie Reynolds, LCPC, NCC We often talk about our creations, our decisions, our opinions, and our beliefs without looking further into the processes that led us there. Mindfulness has become a big part of mental health treatment and life for many people. An important component of mindfulness can be identifying and understanding the way your mind works and not just what thoughts or emotions you may be experiencing. What follows are some common mental processes: Concentration Flow…

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5 Negative Effects of Being a News Junkie and What To Do Instead

December 10, 2018
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Maggie Reynolds, LCPC Mainstream media, right-wing media, political art, radio, social media…there is a lot of media available in our modern lives. With smartphones always in hand, our news diets can be to our brains what walking around with endlessly full plates of food hung from our necks would be to our stomachs: unhealthy and unproductive. It can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health, starting with your posture. Here are some of the costs of…

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Assessing the Role of “Things” in Our Lives

May 13, 2017
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By: Margaret Reynolds, MA, LCPC, NCC Many people seek therapy with a licensed counselor to deal with difficulty and conflict in their relationships, whether it is a relationship with a parent, a child, a partner, or with themselves.  Sometimes, it is not just these human relationships that require attention, but also one’s relationship to “things.”   Think of all your possessions. Clothes, devices, décor, vehicles, heirlooms, books, etc.  What emotions do you notice as you think about…

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The Case for Scheduling “Us Time”

April 25, 2017
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By Maggie Reynolds, LCPC Many therapists recommend that couples schedule regular check-ins and time together to talk through issues in the relationship. Sometimes it is merely a suggestion, and sometimes it is assigned homework stemming from relationship or marriage counseling sessions. Either way, emphasis is put on scheduling concrete time, rather than leaving it as a vague, open-ended invitation. This time, referred to here as “us time,” differs from “quality time” in that there is an emphasis on addressing problems…

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