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10 Signs You Are Ready To Date Him Exclusively

August 20, 2013

Originally published, by request, for the membership dating website Dr. Anne Malec is a contributing writer for Razzou, her articles focus on romantic relationships, dating guidance and resolving conflict between couples. This submission was requested to focus on the dynamic of a female/male dating relationship, however the context holds true for various types of romantic relationships. How do you know that you want to be exclusive with the guy you have been dating? Is it just…

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Sometimes We All Need A Little "Dad Time"

August 8, 2013

Originally Posted on Divorcing Dad Council on July 25th, 2013. Contributed by Dr. Anne Malec as a guest writer. If you are a separated or divorced dad trying to regain your balance after an emotionally painful legal process, you likely have not even considered the new opportunities for growth that lie ahead of you. What I am referring to is the potential you have to build upon and strengthen the relationship you have with your kids. As…

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