7 strategies to help you get over a broken heart

Symmetry April10 A

If you’ve ever had your heart broken, you know how painful it can be. There are times when the pain is so bad it becomes physical. Memories of happy times pop up uninvited anytime during the day, making you feel really sad and alone. One day you may feel ok, but then you wake up…

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When to forgive

Symmetry Apr03 A PH

You’ve been hurt badly – by a spouse, a family member, a friend. What they did left a lasting effect on you. Sometimes you don’t know how you have survived the hurt and the pain; there are even times where you’re not sure that you have survived it. You talk about what happened to your…

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How can you tell if your partner is depressed?

Symmetry March26 A

Maybe you’ve noticed something different in your partner. He or she may be acting sadder than usual, may not be taking pleasure in the things that he or she usually enjoys, or may even be talking about death a lot. It could be your partner just down in the dumps, or these symptoms could be…

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How do you know that your therapy is working?

Symmetry Extra March26 A

Therapy is a highly effective tool for managing life’s many twists and turns. It can help you develop insight and change that brings you closer to a life that you want to live, full of meaningful relationships and self-love. Just because therapy can help does not mean that you always know what to expect during…

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What’s your romantic attachment style?

Symmetry March25 A

How do you interact with a romantic partner? Take a minute and ask yourself: Are you usually clingy and possessive? Do you have a tendency to push your partners away? Or are you comfortable with both giving and receiving love to your partner? This pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving towards someone we’re in a…

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How codependency can affect relationships

Symmetry Mar12

When it comes to relationships, we have been told again and again that it’s better to love others more than you love yourself. Sacrificing yourself is said to be the best way to show your love for someone. However, when we consistently put another’s needs before our own to our detriment, the relationship may be…

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Ending the comparison game

Symmetry Marcho4 Extra

For most of us, from a young age we are taught – either directly or indirectly – that we know we are good, right, or valuable if our actions or personal characteristics are in line with those around us. We compare ourselves against classmates and co-workers, social and cultural norms, what is portrayed in the…

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7 ways to gain balance in your relationship

Symmetry feb25

Most of us work hard; we’ve families to support, debts to pay, and a retirement to prepare for. But for some, it seems like work is the only focus; they work for 12 or more hours a day and six to seven days a week, regardless of their partner’s feelings on the matter. After all,…

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5 keys to growing your relationship with your parents

parents child relationship

While it is normal for parent-child relationships to be shaky during the years of adolescence, the conflicts and strife tend to peter out once a child becomes an adult. After all, young adults are mature enough to understand what their parents have gone through by raising them. However, it’s not always a smooth transition, studies…

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