How to Get Through Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day can be one of the most anxiety-provoking holidays of the year because couples and singles put too much pressure on themselves to do something extra special and fulfilling, and one day or event often cannot live up to those expectations. People want to feel loved, cared for, and appreciated. But how can one…
Read MoreYou Need to be Saving for Retirement Now!
We live in a time when it is basically possible to get whatever we want when we want it. We can order food any time of the day, place an order online and have it the next day, or turn on the television and watch something instantly. There is a sense of or expectation of…
Read MoreA Case for Scheduling Difficult Conversations
At some point, in any close and intimate relationship, whether it be a partner, a parent, a sibling, or a friend, difficulties and issues arise, and uncomfortable conversations must be had. People disagree, people have different beliefs and values, and people make mistakes. Preventing any issue from coming up in a relationship is unrealistic. The…
Read MoreHow to Be a Better Online Dater
Studies show that more couples are meeting through online and mobile dating sites and apps than any other way combined. This tells us that most people who are seeking a new relationship are currently using or have used online or mobile dating sites and apps; however, these dates do not always transpire into a relationship.…
Read MoreBlue Monday, January 16, 2017
Have you heard of Blue Monday? Apparently is it the saddest or most depressing day of the year and usually falls on the third Monday of the new year, which in 2017 is Monday, January 16th. Per Wikipedia, “The concept was first publicized as part of a 2005 press release from holiday company Sky Travel,…
Read MoreTo Medicate or Not, that is the Question
Let me first start off by disclosing that I do not have a medical degree or license, nor do I have any formal training in psychiatry, psychotropic medication, or any medical field. All of the opinions and information in this post are based on what I have learned, experienced, or have heard during my work…
Read MoreNew Year’s Resolutions
Did you know that over seventy-five percent of New Year’s resolutions fail? Often times we create New Year’s resolutions that we are capable of achieving but it is usually our mind set that holds us back from sticking to or maintaining them for the year. We may have the best of intentions and motivation to…
Read MoreHow to Make Realistic New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s is a time of reflection as well as setting goals for the next year. As a therapist, I always encourage my clients to reflect on their year and discuss whether or not they have any New Year’s resolutions. From my experience, both personally and professionally, New Year’s resolutions are great in theory, but…
Read MoreMillennials and Their Money
As a Financial Therapist, I have seen a steady increase in the number of clients I work with who are young adults, who are fresh out of college or recent graduates around 22 to 25 years of age, and mid-adults, around 26 to 40 years of age, who significantly struggle with spending and budgeting, financial…
Read MoreHave to Versus Want to
Our minds are very powerful tools and have a significant influence in how we perceive the world, ourselves, the actions, behaviors, or words of others, and the positive or negative impacts that situations, people, or information have on us. Many believe that when something is “wrong” or negative in their life, something external needs to…
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